28 April 1958
MEMORANDOM FOR Commander Task Group 7.4

SUBJECT: Radar Tracking of Sampling Aircraft for Pinsa

This will eonfirm conversations held between Colenel Wignall,

Dr. R. Batsel and myself on the tracking plen, The purpose ef providing for a tracking system is fundamentally to add plausibility that

the sampling mission was conducted in e straight-forward manner.


will not be the intent, hewever, to try to indicate to the U.l.Odservers

or to the press, that the tracking system is a Proof that the sampling

mission was in faet carried out as shown.


To appropriately accomplish the radar tracking scheme, it is

requested that TG 7.4% provide a briefing on the radar systen to the

observers on D-l or D-2 to familiarise them with the aystem ani equip- —


As part of the briefing it would de desirable to have ons of

the B-57 B sampling aircraft make a take-off, fly a short pattern, and

land so the observers can see how the system operates.


On shot day, if the U.K. observers desire it, they will be

permitted totrack the sampling aircraft as they carry out their ris-


Selected members of the press should be allowed to * in the AOC

in the gallery during thie period. ‘he radars should be set for a range,

probably 150 miles, such that the planes in flight will not pass eff the

scope. All radars should be set up the same way. lt alec would be desire

sacle to plot on the large plotting board a contimous track of the courses
followed by the aircraft from take-off to landing.

We would apprreciate your coments on the above preposal.


Teehnieal Direetor,

ec: CTF 7~

cTG 7.2
CTU «2
R, Batsel
P. Bankhart
R, Southwick
G. Johnson



Select target paragraph3