represciatetives as a concluding phase of Operztions Crossroads tests at
Bikini Atoll.

In 1947 collections were made in Bikini Atoll and in the

oceanic area in the direction of the Able test fallout.’ About six
thousand samples were collected (Hines, 1962, p. 65).


A smaller survey

by the Applied Fisheries Laboratory studied both Bikini and Eniwetok


Atolls in 1948 (Hines, 1962, p. 24), with the July 1948 survey following
the April and May tests of Operation Sandstone.

invertebrates, and plankton were taken.

Samples of fish, algae,

In general, the Eniwetok results

of 1948 were that low-level aquatic radiation was present generally as
expected across the Atoll.

The Applied Fisheries Laboratory survey: of

1949 included samplings at the uncontaminated "control" Atoll of Likiep.
The Eniwetok survey in August also made observations of plants on shore.
Prior to the thermonuclear test Mike on Eniwetok Atoll on 31 October
1952, the Applied Fisheries Laboratory made preliminary collections at
Eniwetok (Hines,

1962, p.

137), usually on the lagoon side.


3 and 8 November after this large test, samples were taken from southern
islands progressively to the northern islands.
Island were collected.

Also, rat traps at Rojoa

On Engebi on 8 November, the radiation was 2 to

2.5 R/hr, no living animals were seen, and only stumps of vegetation

Plankton had a radioactivity of 140,000 disintegrations per

minute and per gram (d/min:g) and algae had as high as 5 million d/min-g
at that time.

Fish in the vicinity of Engebi had a factor of 400 increase

in activity after the test with 340,000 d/min-g.



Select target paragraph3