











Lt. General Carroll H. Dunn, USA

Director, Defense Nuclear Agency
Washington, D. C. 20305
Dear General Dunn:

This is in response to the DNA letter of December 4, 1972, regarding
a joint DOD-DOI environmental statement to cover the restoration of
Eniwetok Atoll. The AEC has considered the tentative environmental
statement outline and the tentative schedule for drafting the environmental statement. We believe it is timely to commence writing
an environmental statement. However, we recognize the possibility
that results of the radiological and engineering surveys might raise

questions as to whether parts of the Atoll can be restored to a status

that is acceptable for unconditional occupancy. Further, it may
develop that the proposed rehabilitation is of such a nature that an

environmental statement will not be required for part or all of that
operation. For these reasons, we would propose that the task of
compliance with NEPA might more feasibly be broken up into more than
one environmental statement.

If that were done, the first statement

would primarily be aimed at cleanup.

It is relevant to this discussion to mention the measures the AEC
now has under way toward establishment of cleanup criteria. As the
radiological survey and analysis progress, information that is collected is being analyzed by the Data Evaluation Group. This Group

will produce a report on the radiological status of the Atoll which
will serve as a basis for establishing cleanup criteria and for

making judgments regarding rehabilitation. While the survey progresses, the collected information and the evaluations derived will

be reviewed at intervals by a team composed of representatives of
DOD, DOI, EPA, PHS, and AEC. In this way agency representatives
will be kept informed of the status of the survey and evaluation

and will be able to contribute through suggestions and other guid-

ance. After the report of the Data Evaluation Group has been
completed, the AEC will prepare cleanup criteria. These criteria
will be developed by the AEC's Division of Operational Safety in
consultation with other staff of the AEC and other agencies. The

timing for availability of radiological survey results and radiological assessments and for the completion of the dose assessments


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