Wa lhlmlwolCdltmnla Lna~acKmFlc LARmmmv 10GAJwlOs. ti-b- To: U, J. Bair -3- . p18.ama7 What will the people eliminate blood from the list. DATE: think of Adgllat this? 4, 1980 I wuld 11. ITM oaptlon ‘aanoer oan occur like a PP- 17, rlgure, swelling inside or outsido cm the bodyn i.gno~ea non-aolld cancers and may be ❑isleading. Could ur add ‘in some typm of canemr, however, no nuellhg OOOUrSn. 12. pp. 17, 2m4 oolumns. In thn wcond line, the word “man~ implies “Oot all”. Am there groups of people that do not have naturti auL9blons7 The last two aentenc~a could be queatloned on the thQQrOLiCal IV’Ouoda beeauae we have not specified Should this be related to the amQunt, or fadL3t,ion. radlat,ion reoeivwl at Bikini? The wrding or the last sentence could be chnnged b aomethlng like: “Scientists oannot deteot a mall incrtaae”. The present wording sounds a bit like we M% teMxig them - move it! 13. 19. The last paragraph Eivw the Lmpeeaslon that if they stay helw Lhe sLnndard no harm will occur. Thus, pp. ‘TCI proteot in the nent.enoe starting on the 7th line, people ,,,.,. these organi-Llon8 have recommended . . ..R It would be bettmr M state that aolentlsts believu that aom~ Mm wI1l occur with even emall amounts of ~adlatlon. Then *to keep the mount ~f h8nm aaall . ...9. follow In pa~ag. 34 move ‘given on pages 21 to 27m tO ‘infcw==tlon” and aet off with oomas. In parag. 35 do we uanL to lndloat.e the possible returm to their atoll? I thought that U@ had ohanged this . Ik. pp. 21 et d. I trust that the nuabees t’or oanoers are not the real ones. For ar-pie, doubling the oancor in the next 30 yearn onaeema soneubat high. 15. PP. 29. Shouldn’t thmre be a oaptlon for tho figure. .?nd parag., last stinLen@a. Do we really mean ‘th=t it WE possible ror ttm’e to be no dmger~7 Didn’t they no d-ger? say that there w