"It's obvious from the length and detail of this report that I

consider the ship logistic support for the January-February medical

survey to be inadequate.

JI have presented all of the foregoing obser-

vations and opinions in writing, in a rough draft, to Mr. Stanley,

Mr. Brown and Mr. Ray. I did this specifically to alert them to the
problems, as I saw them, prior to the Users Conference that was scheduled for February 28th, in Livermore, California. I anticipated that
a very delicate administrative problem would develop during the Users
Conference since Mr. Otterman had been invited to that conference. I
requested that the concerned DOE representatives have a preliminary

meeting at Livermore, prior to the conference, to attempt to resolve
these problems and not to use the conference itself as a forum for the
discussion of the details of the survey.
Unfortunately, we were unable
to accomplish this.
I can expand on why this was not accomplished if
During the Users Conference, I was asked if I felt that the
ship was adequate for future medical surveys and I indicated that, based
on past experiences and performance, I didnot feel that it would be


"I understand the funding for this charter has come primarily from
the Medical Division of DOE and it is my firm opinion that this ship

will be unsuitable for any extended use by the medical program."



Throughout the entire cruise, no organized safety drill or

instruction was given by the ship.

We were not informed where the life

vests were stored or how to use the life rafts.

party were weak or non-swimmers.)

(Many of the medical


There were no fire extinguishers in the medical party


Egress from the berthing area was through one hatch, lead-


The water tight hatch controlling the medical berthingarea

berthing area.

had no latch.

When trying to pass through the hatch in high seas, the

heavy hatch swung violently.
hatch to keep it open.


A piece of cord was finally tied to the

The outboard passageways, both port and starboard, on the
main deck level required climbing over a totally exposed - fore and aft
ladder with no safety lines.
Since our passage was in heavy weather with
severe rolling and pitching, we could easily have lost one of our party
over the side and never have missed them

(see pictures)

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ing forward through a high hazard area, 1.e. the x-ray and laboratory
areas (containing inflammable chemicals and high voltage) - then up a
ladder and aft into the well deck.
A second hatch leading aft went
through a cluttered machine shop, into the battery room with no egress.
There was no outside ventilation into the berthing area that I could find.

Select target paragraph3