"you will note that $2,000, rather than $1,000 had been forwarded and
that a per diem rate of $27.00/day was arbitrarily set as an unique
exemption for this group of examinees."
"At this point I would like to emphasize the fact that in my pre-

planning letter (Enclosure 6) for this survey, I had strongly urged

the PASO office to provide a DOE representative for the entire trip.

While in Honolulu I discussed this matter with the PASO staff and

after a discussion with Bruce Wachholz and Bill Stanley, Bill agreed
to accompany the survey.
However, when I arrived at Kwajalein I

received a message (Enclosure 7) that Bill Stanley would be unable

to make it and that Ted Murawski, a Holmes and Narver employee,
who had worked as the DOE/DNA coordinator on Kwajalein, would be
the substitute. Again, during the examination of patients on Ebeye,
a large percentage of my time was spent in explaining to people why

they had not received their per diem money and attempting to take
care of their housing and financial needs."

"On the following day we departed for Utirik.
Again we ran into
moderate to heavy swells.
The ship was pitching so badly that Captain
Coberly chose to tack across the waves at 4.5 knots to prevent
excessive hull strain.
He had originally attempted to head directly

into the seas.

The ship, in pounding head on into 10' seas would

slam through the seas and then develop a prolonged low-frequency
oscillation that was induced by the heavy 30 ton crane amidships.

It was felt by Keith Coberly and the Chief Engineer, Monroe Wrightman,

that the severe pounding and vibration that the ship was taking would
be much improved by alternate tacks.
This proved to be the case.

However, it greatly prolong

the steaming time from Rongelap to

"At this point I would like to express my profound admiration and

sincere appreciation to ail of the members of the crew of the Liktanur
II who frequently went out of their way to make our trip more
They are fully aware of the difficulties that the
medical party encounters in using this ship and attempted to do all
they could to remedy its defects."

"As we discussed at Livermore, I am funneling all requests for either

the Department of Energy, Marshall Islands, TT, or Missile Range
Support through your office".
That statement was prompted by the
‘repeated request by Mr. Harry Brown to allow him to handle all

public announcements for our program "because of his proximity to,
and contacts with,

the new, Marshall Islands government".

to this course of action.

I agreed

The final paragraph of Enclosure 6 gives

the exact details of my requested arrangements for the meeting with
the people of Bikini, Rongelap, and Utirik--both from Majuro and
Not only did Harry Brown fail to provide for the requested meetings,
but he extended an invitation to the members of the BNL medical


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