This restricted our operations on several occasions.

In addition,

the canvas cover between the vans also leaked during heavy rains. A
rerigging of the canvas and repairs of the leaking roof will be

necessary before the next medical survey."

Since the medical berthing spaces for staff and patients are
inadequate we will need to restrict the scope of the medical examinations and the number of patients to be seen in future surveys.
would recommend that no more than 8 staff be housed in hold #2."
Dr. Pratt's Letter of October 29 to Cdr Utara,

U.S. Coast Guard, Honolulu

"I was present at the initial negotiations with the U.S. Oceanography for the vessel, Egabrag, in San Diego a year ago.
At that time,

I explained in detail that the medical team included distinguished

Physicians from throughout the United States and other nations.
addition, we carry a team of Marshall Island medical personnel, including, usually, a Medical Officer, and a number of technicians and
The total number of passengers on the average medical
survey is 17.
I gave this figure to Mr. Otterman and Mr. Harry Brown
during the negotiations and included the fact that, in addition, we
usually picked up from two-to-four Marshallese patients as passengers
on each one of our trips.
Notwithstanding, I understand that during

contract negotiations a clause was added limiting the berthing spaces

for the scientific party to 12.
On our trip during May and June of 1979,
we had 18 additional Marshallese patients as passengers.
The first priority for ship usage, as stated by the Department of

Energy Directors of the Marshall Island Studies, goes to the medical

programs supported by Brookhaven National Laboratory.
In essence, this
ship is used much like a hospital ship, specializing in outpatient care,
although we have had to deliver one child to a passenger on a trip

between Utirik and Kwajalein. This would be classified as inpatient
care by most medical facilities.
The problem then becomes your classification of this vessel.

would like to quote directly from your letter of 17 April 1979 to
Mr. C. Otterman concerning the mission of this vessel.


"With reference to your letter of 13 April 1979, I find the
Liktanur II, ON 572028, an oceanographic research vessel as defined
in Section 441 to Title 46 U.S. Code. An oceanographic research

vessel is not considered a “passenger vessel", a “vessel carrying
passengers", or a “passenger-carrying vessel” under the provisions
of the U.S. Merchant Vessel Inspection and Manning Laws.
an oceanographic research vessel shall not be deemed to be engaged
in trade or commerce.

However, all other regulations remain are reminded that my determination is predicated
upon the assurance that the Liktanur II is being employed
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