locations and circumstances of any such elevated levels.


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samples will be analyzed on a priority basis so that results
can be reviewed by the Data Evaluations Group early in the study.
These evaluations will be used to decide on any adjustments in
the air sampling program design and scope which can be proposed

to the Technical Director for implementation,

Biota Sampling


The terrestrial food-chain team will.focus their effort on obtaining
samples of arrowroot, pandanus, coconut, crabs, birds and such other plant
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and animal organisms as may constitute the diet of future inhabitants.


edible vegetation samples will be collected as available and in conjunction
with appropriate soil samples.

Edible animal species will be collected as

available by trapping or shooting.
Inedible plant species to be used as indicators for soil-root-plant
pathways will be collected with the soil survey group.

At least two or


three species that occur on all islands will be used for this purpose in
order to obtain comparative data.

Samples of these will be collected on

the lagoon side, ocean side, and in the central parts of each island at


points where soil samples are collected.

These will be returned to the

Eniwetok laboratory for identification and processing.

Rats, which are not considered to be a part of the human food chain,
are the only mammals existing on the islands and may.be considered as an
indicator species,

These will be trapped and specific organs will be analyzed

for radioactivity.

Collection sites for all specimens will be identified

on the radiological survey maps for later correlation.

Potable Water
The only potable water on the Atoll is derived either from rain water or

the distillation plant on Eniwetok,.

Samples of these will be collected for

radiochemical analysis along with sludge samples from the distillation plant.
In addition, a marginal lens exists on Engebi which we plan to sample.


Onsite Laboratory at Eniwetok
An onsite laboratory will be established on Eniwetok for processing

samples obtained by the biota field tesms,

This will include; forced draft

ovens for drying plant material for shipment; dissecting equipment for



separating organs from animal species, and counting equipment screening of
specimens before they are returned to LLL.


The principle equipment to be



Select target paragraph3