
Phase IV

The only island included in this phase is Yvonne, which to our
knowledge is the most contaminated island in the atoll.

Field surveys

will be conducted with the FIDLER and the Baird-Atomic scintillator in
order to supplement data obtained during previous surveys.

The ob-

jective here will be to obtain survey data on at least as small a grid
pattern as is obtained for the other islands.

Similarly, a number of

soil samples will be collected in selected locations for purposes of
evaluating the extent of cleanup required to rehabilitate the island,
The extent to which additional data can be obtained by the survey


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group which speak to either the radiological hazard on Runit or to the
engineering aspects of the cleanup operation is not clear at this time.
The kind and amount of such additional data will be determined in the
field by the survey team.
Thermoluminescent Dosimetry Program
Since the energy response of the Baird-Atomic NaI scintillator is
nonlinear, the measurements made by this instrument may not be a true
measure of the external dose rate produced by the gamma emitting radio-~
nuclides deposited in the soil.

To overcome this deficiency we plan to

incorporate a thermoluminescent dosimetry (TLD) program which will provide a
correlation between the NaI scintillator measurements and the actual dose
rate measured by the TLDs.
This program will utilize a combination of LiF and CaF, :Dy TLD

Approximately 40 packets will be placed at selected locations

in such a manner that a broad range of dose rates from 2 yp R/hr to 200
pR/hr will be measured for the correlation study,

In order to eliminate

exposure during transit time, the dosimeters will be annealed at Eniwetok
Island just prior to their placement in the field.

After having been

exposed for one month or more “in the field, the TLD Packets will be re-


covered and read out at Eniwetok Island.

The objectives of the terrestrial air, biota, and potable water

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sampling program are:

To. collect representative samples of edible plants and animals for
radionuclide analysis and subsequent estimation of food-chain trans
fer of radionuclides to future inhabitants,






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