
Each sample will be bagged and marked with an appropriate identi-

fication code.


Samples collected on the basis of survey meter readings.

Additional samples will be collected from locations where abnormally
high readings were obtained from either the Baird~Atomic scintillator

or the FIDIER.


Each sample will be bagged and marked with an appropriate identification code.


Field Analysis
A radiation counting laboratory will be established on Eniwetok Island.

This laboratory will contain a 3" x 3" NaI and an intrinsic Ge detector plus
associated electronics.

These detectors will allow scanning of the samples

' for gamma emitting fission and neutron activation products as well as
for 2h1
Am. The data obtained by this scanning process should provide information which may influence the collection of additional samples from
contaminated areas.

This information will also be valuable in determining

future analyses to be performed on the samples after their arrival on the

Preliminary Soil Sampling Schedule

As mentioned earlier, the survey will address the least contamina) ted islands first and proceed to the more heavily contaminated islands.
The following is a more detailed listing of the islands within each
of the four phases.

Also included is a preliminary estimate of the

number and types of soil samples to be collected from each island.

The number

of 0-5 cm and 0-15 cm samples is arrived at on the basis of one of each
for approximately 10° sq ft of surface area and the number of .0-35 cm
(Profile) samples on the basis of one per 8 x 10° sq ft of area or 4
minimum of two per island.

The other (Profile) samples are for special

situations such as decontamination pads or areas in which field activities have |

disturbed the original soil.



Select target paragraph3