could have modified the distribution of radionuclides.

Phase III deals

with islands which have been sites for, or very near to, surface ground

zeros and/or extensive test activities.

Contamination exists in the

form of activated metal debris, radioactive waste disposal areas, distributed fallout, and localized plutonium contamination.

The survey

will also include an estimate.of the extent of radioactive scrap metal

situated on these islands,

Finally, Phase IV addresses Runit (Yvonne),

the most heavily contaminated island.
The selection process for survey priorities is based upon insult
determination of each island from examination of historical records

and current radiological data provided by preliminary surveys of Eniwetok
Atoll in July 1971, May 1972, and of Runit in July 1972.

Field Meter Survey
The survey includes a very detailed examination of the geographical
variability of the gamma exposure rate in air on each island due to the
gamma rays of greater than 100 Kev emitted by radionuclides deposited in
_the soil.

These nuclides are primarily fission and neutron activation


The Baird-Atomic scintillation instrument, which utilizes a

.1" x 1" NaI erystal, will be used to make these measurements.


the flux of gamma rays of energies less than 100 Kev due to 239py and
241an will be measured by the FIDLER,

This instrument consists of a

rf " thick x 5" diameter NaI crystal connected to a rate meter.


geographical variation of these measurements will enable the survey teams
to locate the areas contaminated with radioactivity where soil samples
may be collected for laboratory analysis to determine the concentrations
of specific radionuclides present.
Aerial’Radiological Measurements.
This method has been used by EG&G, Inc. for several years for rapidly
‘and economically surveying large land areas for radioactive deposition and for
the location of lost radioactive sources.

The data provided by such a survey

will be extremely valuable in guiding the field survey teams in the conduct
of their surveys.

It will greatly reduce the possibility of the survey teams

missing contaminated areas and at the same time increase their efficiency by
eliminating their need to extensively survey uncontaminated areas.


The EGRG airborne radiation detection system that we propose to utilize


Select target paragraph3