
relevant to the Eniwetok program is to emphasize the similarity in the

environments: and the expected lifestyles of the future inhabitants.


could elaborate on second-order differences as they exist or as they are
to be expected, but it is most important to point out two major considerations:


Regarding the major pathways, evaluation can be based primarily upon

the expected similarity which will exist in Iifestyle and habits
between the returning Bikinians and Eniwetokese. The predominant
protein source will be from marine fish, but, where possible, coconuts,

pandanas, and arrowroot will be cultivated for food.

A diet can be.

constructed on the basis of the Rongalese diet, as was done by
Gustafson for Bikinians, and adjusted as indicated by information
gained on the specifics of Eniwetok Atoll.

Serious contrast can be made, however, between Eniwetok Atoll and Bikini
Atoll as regards the base radiological contamination, which is both
larger for Eniwetok and compounded by the larger amounts of 239Dy and
other transuranics.

Thus, while we cannot yet speak of the relative

importance of long-lived fission products, activation products, or
alpharadioactive elements, it will be necessary to provide comprehensive
assessment of the latter class of radionuclides in order to put these in
perspective to the others.

This will include assessment of both the in-

halation and ingestion pathways.


In brief, the assessment is organized around a pathway-dose two dimensional


Radionuclide composition of dose transfer media such as foods, air, and

water willbe coupled with existing models of intake and metabolism to calculate
potential dosages, taking into consideration the projected patterns of living
of the future inhabitants.
The major pathways under consideration are:

“1, External Radiation_


Internal Radiation

Terrestrial Foods


Marine Foods




Inhalation, Submersion

An understandincs of the data buse to be generated for these assessments
can be abtained in the following sections of this program plan.

It is o

goal to provide all the data needed to order the relative importance



Select target paragraph3