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pebuite: Field Operations
Coordination at NVOO; measurements involving the Cleanup Survey; External
Dose and Soil Survey; Air, Biota, ‘and Potable Water Survey; Marine Survey;
and Sample Analysis; and Data Evaluations.

Authors of detailed plans for

each of the last six categories are indicated on the chart,

It is now


expected that the program will involve personnel from the following


NVOO, NERC (EPA), LLL, LASL, MCL, Univ. of Wash., HASL,

Eberline Inst. Co., TTPI, Univ. of Hawaii, DOS, and DBER, plus organizations not yet identified involved in the Radiological Assessment Review
For orientation purposes a map of Eniwetok Atoll is shown in Fig. 2.
Previous surveys in May and July of this year indicate that radiological con-

tamination levels vary from light (1-10 ,R/hr at 3') for islands on the
southern half of the atoll to heavy (>1000,R/hr at 3') on Runit, with
islands on the northern half of the atoll in intermediate categories.
As can be seen from Fig. 2, no survey data are available for at least
10 of the islands.

Data on radiological levels in the marine environment

and in air are particularly scarce.

Our intent is to obtain samples and

data from the least contaminated islands first, then move to the more
highly contaminated islands, and end on Runit.

concurrently with the terrestrial survey.

The marine work will run

This is not, however, meant

to imply that the least contaminated land areas have the least contaminated adjacent marine environment.

Currents and other processes in

the lagoon have probably redistributed the initial inventories of
radionuclides to the extent that any attempt to predict relative contamination levels in the marine area near each island is presently impossible.
In this survey, we will design and carry out our field studies in
the Atoll with sensitivity to preservation of the natural environment.
This means that we will make an effort to utilize the literature, outside
experts, and our own experience in order to sample living populations and
soils so as not to generate imbalances.

Special care will be taken to

avoid the addition of persistent toxic material, wastes and refuse, and
to leave the environment of Atoll in as least as good a condition as when
we entered it.

The Data Evaluation Group is an integral part of the program plan for

Select target paragraph3