
waves are reflected or absorbed by shielding materials and shapes

may lead to better protection of valuable instruments used to record

effects of detonations.

An improved high-speed cathode ray oscilloscope for measuring
gamma radiation in the early stages of a detonation has been developed by EG&G engineers and is being used for the first time in
Operation Plumbbob, The instrument is like those used in past
series except that it can record reactions within the range of less
than a ten billionth of a second.


The oscilloscope is positioned in an instrumentation bunker
where it can be shielded from the effects of the detonation, It
consists of a long narrow tube working on the same principle as
those used in television sets,
The instrument receives its signal from a detector which may be
located within a few feet of the nuclear device, and which relays
its signal electrically by cable to the oscilloscope. Even though
the detector is destroyed by the detonation, the signal already will
have been transmitted and will reach the recording instrument.
The newly improved oscilloscope can record events of extremely
brief duration because it has greater capacity to intensify a weak
electrical signal and cause it to flash brightly across the screen,
There it is photographed by a pre-set camera with open shutter so a
permanent record can be obtained.
EG&G engineers and technicians also have developed for use in
ballocn detonations in the series a light-weight firing rack, or
"zero rack," which is a modification of a device that has been used
in past series for tower shots. The rack, somewhat similar to an
electrical switchboard in purpose, contains electrical controls and
connections necessary for furnishing power for initiating associated
experiments and for detonating the nuclear device.
Racks used on towers contain heavy batteries for power, and
weigh something like 300 pounds, The newly developed rack has no
batteries, and through use of design changes such as smaller components and lighter metals, its total weight has been reduced to about






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45 pounds.

Select target paragraph3