


Purpose of Technical Facilities



The scientific objective in nuclear tests is to make objective and quantitative measurements of the physical phenomena involved so as to compare them with previous performance, to verify
theoretical predictions, and to understand more fully the phenomena
Generally the various measurements are divided into two categories, those in which quantities intrinsic to the device itself
are measured, and those in which the effects of the device upon
its environment are determined. The diagnostic measurements are
imreediately related to the problems of weapon development,
The list of quantities or effects which may be measured for
diagnostic purposes may include gamma rays, neutrons, visible
light, and thermal or other electromagnetic radiation. Effects
measurernents may include blast pressures, wind losdings, thermal
effects as on materials, radioactivity, visible light and gamma
rays as in their effect on animals.
Technical Structures and Instruments

In view of the varied interests represented in almost every
test, the technical facilities at NTS -- and particularly those
which are used again and again -- riast de flexible.

Air drop targets are a surfaced cress, with concentric circles

marked, and lighted for pre-daw. sicts. They are surrounded by
structures and instruments much ay those desciites below.

Test towers are of various neights and strem,ths, depending
upon the conditions of the test, They have in the past most
frequently been of 300 and 500 fest, altnough lower towers have
been used.The strength is varied according to the weight and size of
equipment the tower will support. They are designed to use as
little material as possible, partly for economy but primarily to
reduce the quantity, of vaporized material which will contribute to
the radioactive cloud and fallout.
Unvapcrized pieces of towers on some shots have been thrown
for considerable distances and constitute a hazard affecting the
placement of maneuver personnel.

cert D0 *





Select target paragraph3