As field headquarters for Air Force nuclear resaerch and development, AFSWC has provided air support for ten previous Nevada
and Pacific test series,

The Center's air support unit is the

4950th Test Group (Nuclear), commanded by Colonel Paul B. Wignall.

The 4950th was activated in September, 1956, to plan for and ac-

complish the portions of testing programs in Nevada and the
Pacific for which AFSWO is responsible,

One squadron of the 4950th, the 4926th Test Squadron (Sampling),

has the task of gathering samples from radioactive clouds after test
detonations, Major Malcom S. Bounds commands the squadron. Another
4950th unit, the 4935th Air Base Squadron, operates Indian Springs
Air Force Base throughout the year.

AEC Support Contractors. In keeping with its policy nationally,
the Atomic Energy Commission utilizes private contractors for maintenance, operation, and construction (including military and FCDA
construction) at the Nevada Test Site.

Personnel of the AEC's Las

Vegas Office administer all housekeeping, construction and service
activity, but performance is by contractors.
Reynolds Electrical & Engineering Company is a principal AEC
support contractor for the Test Site, performing community operation, housing, feeding, maintenance, minor construction, and
scientific structures support services,
Holmes & Narver, Inc., performs architect-engineer services
for the Test Site. The firm, with home offices in Los Angeles, is
the principal support contractor for the Commission's Eniwetok

Proving Ground in the Pacific.


Federal Services, Inc., provides security and other guard
services for the Test Site and for Las Vegas AEC offices.
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company provides communication
facilities and service as needed.



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Numerous other contractors selected on the basis of lump-sum
competitive bids perform construction of test towers, structures
and other facilities at the Test Site,

Select target paragraph3