Weather is Major Consideration. The single, major factor at
zero hour or any time following zero hour with regard both to suc-

cessful conduct of the technical operation and to blast and

radiation fallout is weather.

The obtaining of scientific data, the operations of a bombing
plane and scores of other aircraft, the direction'and intensity of

blast, the success of the troop operation, and the direction and

intensity of radioactive fallout are all dependent on such factors
as precipitation, cloud cover, temperature, temperature inversions,
and wind directions and velocities.


It is essential that forecasters predict within smal’ margins
of error the direction and velocities of winds from ground surface
upward to high altitudes. This is particularly difficult at ground
surface in the mountain-surrounded basin used for a firing area
where winds will circle the compass in a few moments.
To obtain comprehensive data, the U. S. Air Force Weather Service has established a weather unit at NTS, into which personnel
of the U. S. Weather Bureau are integrated. It receives reports
on hemispheric conditions and qn more localized conditions. To
further pinpoint conditions locally, a network of staticns has been
established in a complete ring around the Test Site. These are located at Kingman, Arizona; Baker and Edwards Air Force Base,
California; St. George, Utah; and Indian Springs, Beatty, Tonopah,
Reno, Austin, Lincoln Mine, Caliente and Overton, Nevada. Additionally, U. S. Weather Bureau stations at Bishop, California;
Milford, Utah; and Ely, Las Vegas and Winnemucca, Nevada, will provide local information to the NTS weather unit as required, Other
U. S. Weather Bureau and USAF stations will supply supplemental
data on request.


New procedures have been adopted to facilitate more accurate
forecasting of wind directions and velocities at zero hour and for
several hours thereafter.
weather conditions become progressively more important as shot
hour approaches. An important factor is the final weather forecast,
available at about minus one hour. It determines whether the test
Is to be fired.
Factors Affecting Last Minute Postponements

Thereare actually a considerable number of reasons for postponing a shct even after the evening evaluation meeting has decided
to go ahead.
Some, but not all, of these are discussed.
It is seldom that all of the multitude of experiments are satisfied on a shot ~- because they were not ready, because of malfunctioning, or because of weather and shot effects. A not fired,



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Select target paragraph3