


Trinity, 1945

World War II's crash development. of atomic weapons had the

benefit of a single, full-scale field test, that at Trinity (New

Mexico) on July 16, 1945. There was too little fissionable material and probably too little time for more, The two weapons
fired over Japan were inefficient and very bulky; they left much
to be desired.


Following World War II, the Navy desired to test the effects
of atomic weapons on water and on ships. Bikini Atoll was chosen
as a locale because of its isolation from population centers, and
because the relatively shallow and sheltered waters of the lagoon
were an excellent environment for the types of tests desired. Two
weapons of a type used over Japan were detonated in the 1946 operation above and below the surface of Bikini lagoon. The tests were
ship-based, and were viewed by public and foreign observers, and
by news media representatives. *
First Developmental Tests in the Pacific

The wartime work had bypassed, for the time being, very promising principles. Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory had, in 19451947, opened new paths toward more efficient, more versatile weapons which needed exploration. The scientists urged a program of
field tests to supplement laboratory work. The military's need
for knowledge of weapons effects was no less acute.
During 1947 first thought was directed toward a continental
site which would facilitate use through location and through sufficient real estate. Military and AEC personnel surveyed sites on
the North American continent. It was felt that, if the weapons
laboratories had a "backyard" testing site, results of such tests
could be reflected in weapons development or manufacture months

sooner than with overseas tests.

The determination was, however, to use an ocean site. Various
factors entered into the decision. One was greater security of information at an isolated island site. Another was that the phenomena of blast and of radiation and fallout were not well understood
and an ocean site, remote from any centers of population, would
avoid any public hazard, The Eniwetok site was used for the Sandstone series in April 1948.
Selection of a Continental Site
The need for a backyard test site became increasingly apparent

during late 1949 and 1950.


The pace of weapons development had



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