‘Council Tentative Agorda

e ebruary


Resoonsibiiity for pceacctime planning for the wartime conduct of
overt osychologicel warfare.
Py memorandum dnted 1 Februsry 1949, the Exccutive Secretary of

thu wationnl Security Council submitted to the membcrs or the Notional
Sceurity Council a statement entiticd "Responsibility for Peacctime
Plennin, for the .artime Conduct of Ovurt Psyvchclovical Tierferc ,
accompaniod by three annexes.
In this statument the Netionsct
Sccurity Ccuncil staff pointsd out tac desirability fur the National
Sccurity Council to make cerly oud cefinitive vrovision for an orgenization to plan in peacctim for the waortim. conduct of overt psycholugical warfare activities {including eny wartime demestic information

and tc ccordinst<c such planning with that for wartime covert


However, beccuse of the diffcrenees wiicn nad arisen in the
National Sucurity; Council staff during consideration of this probiom,
the staif wisned to receive the euidance of the Rationcel Sccurity
Council as to wnethner such an organization, in which 211 aovroprinte
departiacnts and avjencies weuld peorticipat., shoulg_be estrblished:


within the Duncertment of State, or


directly rusponsible to the Neaticnal


within an olrucdy established a cncy of the Naticnsl Security
Council (notably the Office of Pulicy Cucrdination cf the


Central intellivones Asuney. )

the three annexes to the momorandum of 1 February comorise
explanniions and briefs of arguments for these three alternatives.
action Required

Because of the many months wiich have passed since tac National

Security Council begen cunsideration of this problem and the diver,ent
views held at the steff and censultant level by the various member
departments, it seems desirable that the [ilitcry Establishment members
of the Netional Security Council should, in War Council, agree upon
a uniform position to be taken in this matter before it is considered
in full National Security Gcuncil ineeting.
Air Academy
The proposed terms of reference for the "Service academy Board"
will be considered by the War Council in tne event that informal
cercement as to their scope has nut been reached among the Departments
prior to the meeting.

Select target paragraph3