Steve Greenleigh


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It can be assumed that the Enewetak people have a strong

desire to return to the island of Enjebi regardless of the exposure
levels projected.
10) A dose assessment of the Enewetak situation currently is in
11) DOE has been requested by Mr. Mitchell to discuss the dose
assessment, together with the associated risk, with the people of
Enewetak (and their legal and scientific consultants), so that the
people, based upon "fully informed judgment" will decide for themselves
whether or not to accept an exposure and risk greater than the EJS
recommendation or U.S. criteria. This meeting is expected to occur
within the next 2-3 months.
(CBS's "60 Minutes" also will be present
at this meeting, as will numerous other interested parties.)
12) The statement has been made repeatedly that we will provide
dose estimates to the people and to Interior, but that other factors

may enter the risk/benefit assessment in determining Interior's position
with respect to the resettlement of Enjebi (e.g., comparative risks,
the value to a people of their homeland).


As a Federal agency we have thus far felt constrained to

compare our dose assessments to FRC guidance (now EPA guidance) and
to the recommendation which EPA considers “upper limits."


Ted Mitchell is expected to argue that:

U.S. criteria, much Jess the EIS recommendation, should


Even if it does apply, the people should be free to
accept a higher risk.



not apply to this situation.

Should the people return to Enjebi, even against the

advice of the U.S., the U.S. must share the higher risk
and be liable for any ensuing health consequences.
If the people are denied access to Enjebi, the U.S.
Government should compensate them for land deprivation
and/or for imposing U.S. criteria.

Since the applicability and legal standing of the FRC and Federal
guidance. yis a vis this specific situation is likely to be challenged
by Ted Mitchell both at the meeting at Enewetak and subsequently either
before the Congress or in a Federal court, it is requested that OGC:
a) provide jegal counsel to EV in these matters, b) provide a person
familiar with the legal background and intent of radiation exposure

guidance/criteria, and c) provide a person to accompany DOE to the

meeting prepared to respond to and address any legal issues of this
nature that may be raised.


Select target paragraph3