Martin B. Biles


Ane eof


The reading dropped to 45 pR/hr or an overall reduction of a factor
of three compared with the external level.
On Sunday morning, May 31, the team members on Bikini began soil
sampling in grouns of two along tha cleared rows. Lynch and 1
sanpled Row #7, Let Baseline South, to th2 Center Lin2 Road. Sea
draving for locations. Samples were taken, disturbed and undisturbed soil, evary lud feet resulting in 1&.sampling locations.

The cookie cutter sampler used takes a plug of soil about 4 inchzs
in diameter and one inch daep. Sunday afternoon we rested and want
Monday morning we resumed soil sampling.

Lynch and I rampled Row #9

2nd Baseline North to First Baseline North and from First Baseline

+ Me ee

{Tor eae,

North to th2 Center Linz Road.

The first stretch gave 25 sampling

locations and the seond 15. Soils varied considerably in organic
content is just 100 feet of distance. Most undisturbed areas con-tained a mat of leaves and twigs all intermeshed. These had to ba

removed to a dapth of 3 or 4 inches to get down to soil.





Note: Rows run lengthwise the island and the numbering systemused

4s that developed during cleanup.

Select target paragraph3