Martin B. Biles


Wednesday night we packed for the trip to Nam and to Bikini. Thursday
morning wa sailed in tha Hafa Nam arriving about 10:30. Zob
Catlin, Lynch (iiV0) and I walked to tha NV tip near the Bravo crater

and back throuch tha center past tha earth covered bunker making photos
as we went. Hald and several of the ships crew collected fish aad
Ron Eagle (U. of Wash.) with assistance from several of th2 ships

- crew collected a bottom sanple from tha Bravo crater,

Measured with

@ hand-held garma instrument tha twoegallon sample measured 30 pi/hr
with the backzround on the ship et 3 wk/hr. This and subsequent
measurenants were made with an £«5003 instrument reading gartna only.

Thursday night we arrived at Bikini and set-up camp in two of the three
latrine buildings in the old How camp area at the southern end of tha
island. Radio comsunications, using portable sets providad by iV,

were established batween Enau and Bikini. We had tha first drink of
cistern water, from the 10,000 gallon cisterns, which tasted like cone

crete but good.

The cisterns were full to tha overflow level.


first of the problems with the M boatswas experienced after off-loading

the jeep, jeep

on Bikini.

trailer, air samplers, gasoline drums, and camp supvlics

Tho ramp could not then be lifted and was hanging in tia

water when the boat backed off the shore. Tha boat was later criv2n
all the way back to fneu with the ramp down and tha crane on the dock
was used to lift the ramp back in place. ‘ha renps would not function
on any of the three MN boats. For additional discussion of this problem,
see Attachment 1 and Attachzent 2.
Friday morning we made radiation measuremants for the pile of agrrepate
East of tna latrines. Al Snith conftirmad that this material cam2 from

the Peter-Cios complex and was used in constructing the cisterns.

instrument read 8 pi'/hr on top the pile.

about 10 wh/hy.


The area around the pila showad

A hole about 1 foot deep was dug in the top of thpile

and the inetrumant placed at tha bottom. Th2 mater then read 3-4 l/br.
The nearby sand pile, used in cistern construction, showed 4°5 wR/hr with
the instrument partly buried.

Later in th2 day wa boarded the Hafa Adal for a trip to the islands along

the southern rim. On tha way wa received a radio call that saveral men
“were overdua in the Poston Whaler (none of the survey team were involved).

They were outside the reef and it was suspected they may ba adrift cnd
without power. Tho Hafa Adai diverted to look for them. A hour or more
later, the Whaler cau2 into sight undar power and it was explained that
there was a mix-up in signals, they had seen the Hafa Adai searching,
realized they were the object of the search, end had been chasing us.

Select target paragraph3