material to obtain a real number, it

there may be, use of food products

is clear that the plutonium concen-

from Bikini would lead to higher body

trations are almost 100 times any

burdens and therefore higher concen-

shown in Table 3 for terrestrially

trations of plutonium in the urine

derived food products in the New

of the Bikini population.

York diet.

For example,

if one assumes an

It is not yet clear just how much

average plutonium concentration of

of the different food products grown

0.6 pCi/kg fresh weight in all the

on Bikini Island are actually used

terrestrial food products of Bikini

in the diet.

Island and a combined intake of all


However, whatever the

foods of 100 g/day or 36.5 kg/yr,

(and there is undoubtedly some)

then the yearly plutonium intake

and whatever increased future use

would be 21.9 pCi, compared to the
1.45 pCi (1.6 pCi minus the intake
Table 4.

Concentrations of


from shelifish, fresh fish, and water)

in foods grown on Bikini

estimated by Bennett? for New York.

Island*; the sign ''<"

denotes the detection limit

Thus, plutonium levels in a diet

centration was somewhere
below this limit.

entirely derived from Bikini terres-~

for that sample; actual con-

trial foods are 15 times the levels

pCi/kg (fresh)

Food product

in a terrestrial diet from New York.

Marine Food Pathway — Marine food

Bikini June 1975



products from Bikini Atoll supply a



substantial amount of plutonium to


the diet for the inhabitants.





plutonium concentrations in fish at



Bikini Atoll have been published by

Pig muscle

Nevissi and Schell.)


Chicken flesh

These data are

abstracted in Table 5 along with some


data on concentrations in marine

Bikini 1974





trations in fish muscle and eviscer-



ated whole fish and the detection



limits (denoted in Table 5 by ''<'"')
as real numbers, and weighting by the

“pata from a survey by one of the
authors. 4
Data from Ref.

number of fish per sample, we find the mean concentration of plutonium


Sia, 50) 3230

Using the concen-

Select target paragraph3