the concentration expected from Fig.


through the data points.

From this

Thus, there is little question that

curve, the concentration of plutonium

the plutonium levels in the air of

expected in air at the latitude of

Bikini Island around the first part

Bikini during May 1972 is approxi-

of June 1970 were above fallout-

mately 16 aCi/m>.

plutonium background levels for that

normal median (21 aCi/m>) of actual


concentrations at Bikini is only

The only mechanisms that

While the log

could cause such levels are resus-

slightly more than this value, the

pension processes on the island.

mean plutonium air concentration

The median concentration at Bikini

detected at Bikini during this period

was very nearly equivalent to the

(34 aCi/m>) was twice this expected .

mean air concentration at New York


during this period in 1970.

were detected in the air at New York.


In this same month, 37 aci/m>

that during 1970 the urine concentra-

Again we find a similarity between

tions from Bikini and New York were

the levels of plutonium in Bikini and

also comparable.

New York air, and the Bikini mean

Except for water

and possibly some fish, no indigenous

concentration is again higher than

material was consumed at Bikini

expected for this latitude from

during 1968 and 1969.

worldwide fallout concentrations,

From this

comparison of New York and Bikini,

The 1972 data on air concentration

the 1970 data strongly suggest a

of plutonium at Bikini also showed a

close correlation between plutonium

strong geographic correlation.

levels in air and concentrations in

plutonium air concentrations in the


samplers increased from northwest to

In May, 1972, air samplers were


southeast along the length of the

again operated on Bikini Island at


four different locations.

the island have higher plutonium air



Pu air concentration during

this period ranged from less than 6

to 80 aCi/m>.’

The log normal median

Therefore, some regions of


than others.


. individual's inhalation exposure,
then, must also depend on the time

concentration over the island was

spent in specific regions of the

21 aCi/mn, and the mean concentration


was 34 aCi/m>

In Fig. 2 the HASL

In summary, the data on air con-

air concentrations of plutonium

centrations of plutonium at Bikini

during May 1972 are plotted as a

are rather sketchy, and we do not

function of latitude.® A smooth

know how different the concentrations

continuous curve has again been drawn

in large volumes of open air are from


Select target paragraph3