


Be ro Sigificant personnel diffieulitos wsro
axperienced during this pericd, ‘fireét, CASTLE oxpericnee in~

Gtoated toat the autherised strength cf the CART Tachnieal fiyie
Sion wea inadequats ta support the newly .usigmed DET miasica

of concurrently providing effeota teehnical direction far cne
cperation while ocutiouing preliminary cisoning for a seoond,

A stocnd A1ffioulty waa the Loability to obtain qualified supply

persoane} far operation of tha UOVEE property cocsunt et the NPG,

This ceocesd prodlom had not bean completely resolved by SC Jum,

b. To correct the firsts of these diffiouities,
the Commanding ceneral, Field Command, a: provec in May 1964 2
new Dao? organisation praviding for a more effective interial
utiliration ef yersounel and incressing the DUVET etrength from
90 ta 99 positions. In consideration of the urgont PRT need to
promptly usilies ali 99 positions, the Arsaistant Chief of Stafy,
Weld Command, sutheriszed the utilisption of al? pemitions prior
te receipt of approved allcontions from «he Army, favy and sir


During this period, negotiations were oon-

pleted ami somfirmed whareby Field Command sould consolidate

end abtein Tar the ARC all augmentation uafilitary personnel which
ABC and AM aponsored projects would in che Sulure tequire fer
Zi effects tests.

Im ths nast, auch mignentetion yersonnel bed

been vrovcured by ADS from several difierers EC? scurass.

Select target paragraph3