3st “320 ghree enlisted men with & Deoksromis in electranisze Cop
cnethe=jed tradinirg at MPG in the raveir of radig: is @tyunente
which will te weed in the next operation. carmtesia: ras else

granted te .20 germonsel of the let “85 =. euspart DOrequire

ments ag IPG in ether than radiological setety auriig rlace
periods, A ‘etter waa prepared and forwacded to tha vlfiser-in-

COrarge, 420 Uatashment, smecding & oreviccs letter yf Instruotions

dated 21 Usemmber 1503 with respect te 413 epenifia relations aad
rasponsiblilties with the Rad-fafe Setachment at aFi,

i re vier

of neaeexpandabia radiological sefaty oquipmant cesded for Wituca
‘sest series at HPO was mado and a request was clceed with the
Kapager, SPO, UsnEC, fur the purchase of L6&O pocket dosimeters +f
the O-§ reantgen rage. Ub wae determined tat these dosimeters
would be the only major non-expendable items cr equipment neaded
fue Operation TR,

db, in January, action was initiated thraugh
Headquarters, ASHP, to permit a larger cumuletive doge “uring
test periods for [CD test personnel yot normally working with

radiation (ifr aon a yearly basic retier than only 8.cor fer the
entire test series).

a. Throughout the period, «he fad-bate Offioer
mainbatred coretant erd prefitable lialsem with GFO0, LUT and
LacL. A Letter was sent to the danager, $°O, JBALC, outlining

the views of thie Dlreotorate on air sampling requiresents for
oft~aite radiological safety et 4720, fF dref of ar offsite

radiological plan for the NPG to te published by Santa be focratims, USAEC, wag reviewed by the fadicloyvical -afety “ifiser,
PET, and « letter submitted to Sm with suppostiona om cercznisgibls
contamination lewele, the use of radiolosteal cafaty gurypert ain~
erect ineluding cloud trackers end sir-tceground sarvey aircram™.
and the recponstbility for olosing ard opening (be Gav’) Aeronautica

Adwinistration (CAA) gir leres.

A policy sod procedura dirostiza

goon to be ic#ued by the Meauagor, ©f2, (if FC on tre @ .tec) ona diae
position of eorteminated materials at [cd «ra reviews), ard minow

oka: gos inaladir¢ the exemetion of Doser: "ork rater’af ad aquire

Lent sere recommended.

A set of apaciMoaticni co ue

ged in chs

murehase of posxet cdostusters for HPu saa reccemends: co the
Mansper, Las Vagas lold Office (LVS, SARC) That offtea was
fuvther tusmiahed vata from tests mide v1 Cunbsidee Corperatioy.

This ofsica elra aiairenod the “aracet,

eB Soe



ond Vielereen (ssimeteres.

Select target paragraph3