
@. che Cperatians Dranoh supervised the oreperstion of warlowa revisious of the PART organisational and functional
wurts to inelude an anondsent te the DUTT esotion ta the Urge.i+
saticn and Fuustions Booklet poriodisnily wmblishod ty cield Cone

wand, AYERP,

[n the latter pert of April a peper, “Fronosed Gian

ior Operational Training and Troep “arttoipation®, waa sritien in
con junstian with a representative of Neacquirters, ACOHP, in the
absezge of the ULrectoy of Program “1:09, who was at v9 Paeliie
Proving Grounds throughout the cperational chass af Overation
CANLE, eseietence was rendered the Teshnical Division, Duce, in
the custedy, somtrol ood servicing of portograghia imtertaly.
o. Throughout tie period, continuous liaison
wa3 sainteained with the Traf{ning Civisian of the Operations Di-

reetcreate, the Training Seetion within tue Directorate of Person-el

and Ssourity and the Jase 1 4 B Officer relativa to ai t-base cad
on-base training eoirses for ONHT persconel. Aotion way taken t>

gbeain quotae fer the loenl Bpecial feapons “rientatios Jourse (70),
the 3peeial Reapers Orlemtation Coupaa (f.vaneed) = FCA, the Speotal Weapons onployment Course (88) and tie Conterence Loaderahip
Couree, in the onse ef USAFI correapordaence covrsce and off-duty
olasees fur PRET personnel, arrangements were mde far dlroct sane

malcation sith the I é@ BE Office by persennel] soneormad.


ocficera attended the #0 course; three offisars, the FOA course;

eat ons ofMeer, the FR course, Asaistarce was also extended *9
‘the Ramager, Laa Vegas Field Offies, USA2C, far attendance of
poretnnel of hia offioe et the ABCD Course (Padtologiceal Safety
Phase), J, & Zawal School Command, Treasure Isiand, “an ‘rancise
oo, California.


wundielogiee)] Safety Branch

The Red=Zafe Offioer, UIYT, sade bi-mocthly

inspections of the let Radiological Savety Supsors Unit (SSU) at
EPG, “his uait (one offleer and ten enlisted men on TDY from ths

Cheuioa] Carna Training Command, ‘t, MuClollan, Alabama) aaslated

AED sentract persomme] in the ecntimuous police ad daso~tmaina~
tion of test areas within the Yevade Provii.g Grounds ed ropaired
emf verviced , of time and eavallability of rersounel permitted,
rediag inatrumerts and equipment used during previous operations.

The Commanding Crficer, Cnemtiesl Corps training Command, :ort

Uetiellan, Alabera wae requested to nruowie Sor aachonmant to the



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