

Heyuirements frorah 2 cat las

Turing the period the rear aoholoa of che heyuivse
wots Ecanoh remained ot Candia Base, wor consiated of carrying
out reutine esgineering sad design work 4.1 goneral support of too
“reolw@ate, The majority of the enginesring offort was srxpanied
en che design of support Sacilities ta Curther the missica of the

Mrectepate ta tuture eperaticrs at the sowada Oroviug Crounds.
Kequiremente forms wore somple‘tiely revised to stremsiices them by
Sliminating past requested infarmation which experience has ehown
is no longer required. This ctreamlining wes pointed cord re~ducing the burden on the participating projects. hevised tcrma

were publiched and p-epered ter cistritution.

Dratting and éequip-

mons assistance wes also provided to the Kepcrts Sranch to asalet
in the completion of the CASTLE preliminary reports,


Operations Division


(a) The setivitiog of the Operations Division
were legs than normal for the period January to dune 1964, dus to
whe long interim -eriod between continental tests, Positive action
of the division consisted prizvearliy in caintaining close liatson
wita Saats Fa Coeratione Cftice, Lag Yeges “ield uffice, os Alamos
Selentifie Luberatory and Special Veaponsa ‘entur on Kadtolcgzical
calety matiors, comunicsticas and alr suathoer preblens.

‘o) To Reoruary 1954, che Secachmer.t Commander,
Detachment 25, 4th Veather Group. Kirtlawl alr “orse Case, in his
role us “eather Project Officer for HPG cesta and Air Joather
Stal? vuiNear for AFOWP, established an 2ffice in tl. Cporations
Division, MIET, +o coordinate direotly *«ith ocrogram clrecters,

SEO, and LASL on their planning aud cpe-aiicsel provlewa of ade
weather servics for atomic testa ut hiG, From 15 ilayvch to b May

i354, this osficur mupervieed a wind ;rojeat at “PG to chiain data
em the upper winds end to indoatrinete air yeac.er porsennel in cha

suport of future continental atomic Cests. Tou. regart ui tlds
operation voitaias the resuita oc. che forecasts rraccred during

‘uke period aud cecommendationg on a.r weet.er support fue Toten
Gontinental atomlo testa and witl be uveilsole acen Yor “tisiribue
Sicn to Ate “eather Cervice, 5.00, Lah aud 077,
.ysrationg cranch




Select target paragraph3