
On 17 June DUST was cost for tie .ires vies
ta the ABS-FD Weapons Test Reparts Com ft*ae, “his th ac fi Somat
commistee which mete twice a year for the yurposys oc. rerzolviug
praodlen® commecced with the publisaticn cc disiribaticn os weapors
teats reperta, Persennel ‘ram OMA, Lash JRL, Headeuartocs, APENP,
TICK and DTZ are represented on the - xittee.

Felnte of tutersat orvught out by tne Conmistee

while at Sandia Base and Loe Alancs (18 dome) sera ae folloras

The TISCR is praeaently cublishing weapons

eifaots data received from the ‘ater-exchange <f data with the
Br.tigh om their acemie expiesion.

This information will be

nvadlable ta the Technical Library, Sandia “ase.

(2) Operation FIGWAM (underwater detonation
in Spring 1985) reports will be prepare’ by a reporss grovy to be

established within the Task forse to Ye orcanized for the opsrmtion

in the dpring of 1965.


TISCR will contimves to sublish the weavone

seat reverta for the NOD end the finel rovorts of ‘meratica J: fot


C4) The next naeting of che Comm.ttae 47 selee
duled lor Nagbingt.n, 0. C, during the niddle owcamuury LFS,
Yenters of “eacdquorters, Technical Tascrmtion orvica, 4H, wilt
be tha host.


Summary 2.atcsa "spert Seaavon Tasl Secorts

Commitee vated lo May 1964 gives the bi iter: of the 4W-DCl veisons

Tost Faperts Tenn! itee.*

* ivemery “tutus hepert, by Lale Evang, lusta Cammally and 0. ¢,



hurvgin available in DYE? flies.

Select target paragraph3