
and/er othar agenoies,* ‘This slenalag group has worked very

olesaly with BRET (orimeipelly tae Peohn’ al liviaton) on eotane

4149, operational and budgetary matiors, with a 1 July obs date
wot for transferring fuude and sraimumern. of tue responsitility
so> the preparaticual, operatiowal end sesc-operational phases
of Operation FREAPCT to Headquarters, ie li Comand (MPT, Technical



Comferences on jperarian THAPCT were ‘aid

the first part of vane to review the acie.tiris requircmzts fa

deta), drawing up aa integrated expertmantal olan with the requirement? of all the interested projecta. ‘onfereesa rusbering
over Mfty, reprosented Beadquarters, S¢S4P, étr ‘ores Epecis)
“sapond Center, Zaval cesearch Laboratory, Yaval Eadiolegioal
Deisnes Laboratory, Raval Crdnance Laboratory, Ségerton, Gormes-

vauson and Grier, Ine., Los Alamos &siertiMa Laboratory, Cambridge

kegoarsh Conter, Evans Signal taberatery, feadia Corporation,

dassaohvusetts Institute of Technology, Itanlord Reasearch Tustit.te
and DWRT, Areas of respensibility were ‘nafined and where certain

mw ojecte had mutual er crervlapping ‘uwbercsts, ticse ussblems were
cecogilaad and steps were taken to delogats certain dvtiga to the
grojecta of the respective laboratories nnd agansies. Too, re-

quirements for the operatianal groups were core Timely o3ts oliched.

‘cperts Branoh Activitius


“Nlilitary effects reporta are those coluted

Sirastly to the gross offecta of nuslear cdetonatione, sech as

olast, total cadiationasd damage to wilicary eyuipmenat.


tions as to content, format, preparation of iliusirsticrs, rhotu-

grapia, #to., sre contained in A Guide for the Vreparstion of

““fecta Tests “eports,«*

* time


Sahedule-Uperation TEAPOT for Preliminury Plamning Purpets

Only (Pourth Revision) (Supersedas vreviove rattajoce’ cated

ML Aprtl 1986.

“3 A Guide Pow the Preparation of Sffecta “ests Naportu, by AW?,
dated 80 Xowember 198%, avatlable 4a DAT flag.

@BEd «

Select target paragraph3