expenses Ss: their home istorataries aad oo finances theiy prepara-

tion Ser the operation ag well as *he <sst of evaluating the dita
tellewing the operation. Ciaes IT funcs included those that were
-prograsmed cor suppert of all projects ard wero axjendisd by Meld
Command through Tii15. These inoluded finde for sorstruct’on end
gener’) guprert by the AEC contractor tn tha jorward erea; ocntrasts,

reports, phctography, tiring signals avd supplies. Ths uslority
of tha Class IY fimde werearpended by the 5f00 throuch their cone
trast with Holmes and Narver. Farly in January 1954, efter tie
arrival cf TU-13 in the forward arex, it was possible to reestioace
the actual cmmstructicn costs for #11 cf the iidividual projecta,
Age reguit, it was posaible to reduce the overall R&D bulges to

@ix million dollars and in March $1,776,750 was dvolared uxsess

and released to deadquarters, AFUHP. “Curing the cperatiqual period
@ oontingensy of at least tom per cent of the total budget was
maintained te weet unfcrescon costa whioh, it was antloipated,
would arise. This proved to be a wise decision, sinss the Uaydist

eguisment contrast required a awn of 8279,000.

The comtinuad delays

in the shot achedule resnited {mn eulstantial inerenses in the sup-

port budget, and froject 4.1 which we activated in March 1944 re-

quired a am of $40,000,

(7) Supply end Traneportetion, TU-15 provided assistanee to all participating project groupes ic obtaining
tis necessary supviies from the eppropriate sgeuoles in tae for-

ward ares.

In sone instances it wha novessary to purchase through

the AID contractor, however, ro unusual 41: icultiesa were encoun-

tered. 19 7.1 maintained @ celi-stocked warghauze et Eniwetok and
Bikini and 21] projeets wore authorised to draw siperZable suspiies
from these warehouses, Surface and air treu:pertatico.n was -rovided

shyougn Jed of 7G 7.1,

With the excention of the wocal lest stnute

hieh priority shipaents Juez prior to and tcvediately frlliowing vhe
operation, so usual oroblema arese in eoime.tion with trans ertation.
sund sitations to cover the costes of shinning cuszo Mom tas Fort 2
kebarkation 20 the howe fastallation of sach project cfte: cha oparis
tien wore ocotaloed ‘rom eaeh project aguney ;riscr to tho coginotig
of the operation. These funds were then citsd ca shippoine cosmerta
rod CEL!s by the Task Group transpurtution versornal, this e ictr.e
ing the nsual holdupa at tho Port of ytarketion,


Sadtologieal “a cty,

Yuring Cperation

LAstL&’, an wffort wae made to utilise picisci cersonnel ag ro d-sale


Select target paragraph3