
Pour of the alx ewarnta for the prrvose cP d termining «ne afvectivecase Of tho wedh dows syatew in reduwlicg the levels of ac cominalion
resulting fron expeeute to high levale of radiation fror fal mate
This was one cf the most difficult projeste ta eccompitsh tron os
operatioua, e'androint and icwolved ths largest sroup c° indgivi.ials
of say of tw DOD trojacts, The general pian cf cneretion 4 wolvud

stemmizg the snips from Sniwvetok toe Sikia!, swacusting whe erows ut

eoa at approximately He2 hours and then stecainz the ening mday
resote cumtro] through the fali cut area, At ecareximetely 43

hours, the ships were teken in tov and moved ba «x to Enlvetok for

dscontentpation «ud preparation for the next scoleculed svyeat. An
vafertunsts ahif in the surfaces «cd lowar level winds Jus. price
%o Shot 1 resulted in “ather disarpeinting racuite trem this sucve

Bowever, fo the ecreeeding sheta ta whioh che ships participated,

tigh Llevelw of ...temination rye received on tres anips, 600 tho
zyoject waa ec.sidsred to he suscessrul.

Cecause of tre at fsot' ver

case of the wash dow: zystem and the shielding which rna availatle
beicws decks, a avall crew manned the wash down a otocted ship
durang the lagt tro Jkotea in which the aroject particinated, Dacontamination ,ei acmmel sere srovided by Task Croup 7.5 from tha
orawsa of variuus chip? {nm tha Task Croup.
ts eouhmoticu with

the decus ship sroject, representative panels of typical ecnustruoticn

waborlals wers axp-aed eheard both the protested acd unnroteoted
Saips. “pon resoery after the chot, these panela were decentands ated

utiiisve varies standard aud experinental csehniquee.

the ionosphere studies vere

aerried cit ty a Siguel Corrs grouy operating epeciel ionospnere

vegordars at iengerth Atell, Eniwetok Atell and Skinawa, The 1ta=
tise ot Rony wrik was heavily contaminate 1 oy fal) aut «rem the Sarat
abot ard ted *o be ovncuated,


4 «xs possible to reactivate

the otetion ror sugceeding events by sending in 1. cperatiug crow
either oy sea plone cr surface vessel x coucle of days prior to the

Those >cerzennel would activates ¢'a@ s*ation and then return

artcr the shot to resever the records.

“hies olenal Corps men sho

wore operating *he Rongert:: atatien e* toe tine of the heavy fall
out from Sach 1, sre dmitfally evacuate! ¢
Codwetok Ialend he~

sau.e St wag oelleved that they had roosivad @ wtal dese of ap~

oeowlmatel: WIG rc raddation,
[et wag chs Jostre of che mcical
gersannel osuduct'ng Proteot 6.4 at ‘sajalealn to have these msn

Lepart to “wajaleins ‘or scugervmettot.

Comuaite:, Jaint task Perce

? oppcsasd trie socuesy on tom grounds that tie nsyshelapgital ales


Select target paragraph3