shart nobice. The majority of the medical cuoplies crd ecuipment
were aithes brought from the 32 cr were ‘uni shed by *he statica
sedisei officer at awajalein. TU-18 was clied unon to easist ia
tu@ capediting ci shipments of coeeinens *o *ha ZT ard of higa
priority equiprenmt and ¢upplies from the 27, cor Suture oseratious
oensidecation might be given to establishing within tha 21 a oon
plete group of aadical personnel whe would ba available ca short
neties to nove overseas fer the purpese cf observing and treating
perscomel inadvertently exposed to radiat:on.


Program 6.

Pregram 6 consisted of

five unrelated projects involving the evaluacion. of the effectiveaess of current Indirect Bomb Demace davexsaent(i eapacilitiess
the determination co? blast and thermal effects oh two types of air~
crart; the evaluation of shipboard atamie rarfars countermeasures;

a atudy of the effectiveness of varicus meens of decontaminating

acustrustion materiale and lastly studies of t's effects of high
yield Aatcremtions an the Lonesphere.

The 19DA projeot was relatively

sitple from the operational standpoint sireea it consisted of three

3~50 type EAC alroraft orbiting in preserlved voasitions at the
time of burst and recording by means of careras the reserd of the
burab av seéa on the aireraft radar sets.

B. Im the study of tla effects of
thermal radiation ond blast on Gircraft, cas B47 and one 3-84,
Loth specially instrumented, participated in ali oncts, ‘their
ao%usl position in space was caloulated prior to the ahot on tie

cassis of the best available information, Ae the cperation prow
gressed eud ad mere actual data became availaule, it wea possible
to pesition these airorafy to recsive closes +o 400 oor cent of
their desiged limit leads. During each ahet, the sircralt wre
controlled by the Aly Operations Center ich wae Located jor als
Blind shots aboard the 68S Usetes. In aiditica, their pais ona
were chaazed eftes each shot by means of aa, dist equi puent.
Nest:nar af che alrcralt auffered more taan mitor visible diage,
owever, the justrumentetion recorded Cata Sich wlll ba of cone
eliderabla value in determining tne dalivery cecabillitfea of theae
two tvpes cf aircrart.



Select target paragraph3