
samples for that abot,

In addition, a number of ratte were tora

loose end were uct recovered,

The wind a.tuasion for Shot € was

auch that there wes very little {212 out within Ealvotck Iagece.
in ordeg to deounest the fall out ia tne open sas, an attempt

wee made to place free floating Dan dvoye in the oxpsotsd area of

fali out appoximetely 40 hours pricr to ahot time, "ur Shot 1,
which was the only shot that was fired acsording i9 the original

soLedule, the fan bucys were ir position, however, a last minvce
change in the wind direction carried most cf the fall out in a

dirogtion 180° from the area in which the Dan buoys had been de«

pleyed. On sueceeding shots, {t was impossible to daploy the full
array of Dan buoys becanes of the nacessity iar maintaining a
oapability to fire ca 18 how's advance notice. An abbreviated
array wig workac out in order to permit t.0 deployment of tons
12 to 14 Dam buoys in a period of approximately 19 heures, How
ever, lash minute shet cangellations, to-sther with insuf flolsnt
time to recover wmsed bueys, recharge cuttorics, otf,, r*sulited

in swecesetul partieipation in only ons of thw revainicg J overs.

Haval support requirements for thia shase of the foi] «6 project
consisted of two ATWs for laying and recovering the hucys, plus

muitadly eculpped amcareh atroraf{ to assist in recovery. 4 Naval
patrel squedron was ceasignated ta provide this support, however
their priary mission ras geourity patro] of the Paci Mie Provine
Geounds (P23) danger area and the fracuemey of the patrol Miights
was greatiy inoressed by the mamy cestoccements. This rezulisd iu

& substantial inersase in their flying tine, c2.d they wore ust cbie

to suppert the fail aut project. As wan the onsea uita protect 1.4,
the Revy Task Crouy mace every effort, eithin ites Lim tod oapab. pt}
thea, to support “he free Tleating Gan bucy project, “ir thot §,
& plan luvolving water sampling waa put ute afxvect in en effart
to Acsweont the long range fall cut. Yery encouraging rasuits
ware obtainsd, snd after completa analyeis of the date it isy bs
senaluded that the water sampling techuijue is satirely adecuate
a8 &@ mons OF decunveting long range Sal! at from shots fired et
Biking op Subwetok. The supgpart vecuiced was considerably iss?
vce or the Den hwoy method end operavioual orblems worse relae

‘ively simples.

1¢ was tentatively concluded that an at? tyne

versel euoh 25 was reed far Shol 6 was rot sabively cdoquate and

wo.vably a deacroyer or patrol oraft (.0) <cyye versel would be

move suitable.

wth 3~

Select target paragraph3