effort to support this sroject to che fall > out, bomver, 4.
a future operation of this typs provision «©. ui. te made Ter pare
rmoent seaignment to tie prejeac group of ioe we. yutred curpor’
anioe, Project 2.6 aondusted by the Soris a Tost .tuzion of “ocaneerephy maintained severel floating lagece -tatisne arto os aumber of
shore recording etavions for measuring 2207 wava aignta. Trelis
suppert requirenants were sompubat modust in «omg. hbos ith those

of froject 1.4 and they were abla yo rmintala vheir stating iu
readiness Yor the shosa, in spite of che eicoscive doiaya@ in ve
shete, vith the ascignment of one apeoiniiy modiMed LON, |'n
general, Program 1 was able te accomplish ita aecignusd wisaron,
The cvorall resulte obteined by Frogram | sere acsowhat loc! thin
had been exticipated due to the extreme variation in yieldé of
several shots, the cancellation of one shot and the olange in the
Aacation of several of the shots.

(qe) Program 2. in Program 2, measuro=
nantes were made of the total gamma radiation on ali shots ant the

femme rediation versus tims on three shots, neutron flux and spec=

tram un 2 shets and fall ewt on all dhots,

Meaewremsnts of total

gamma presented no wristal operational problems einse tlese reasurements were made dy metne of conventional ftir badge desimetry,
the equipsert for measuring the game vate ay a funoticu of time
Pumotioned satisfactorily on the Prat snot, havever, the extromsly

sigh yleld of this shot not only damaged many cf cbs measurizy cte~
sone but alee gaused a fire in the aduinistrative compound on Tera
sich deatre;ed o large proportion of tim grolecta spare equipment.
vor tiis reazon, partielpation in suseeeding shots wna extremely
liaited em vary few stations vere aotivnited. Fos neutren measures
monta ware reasonebly suseeasful on the Sirst «.. shots altacugh
socoideracie dareage saa aone to the alcas-tn stations and regia)
eonk ainavion prevented carly recovery, tuun dsoreasing che wetalnege of the information, The fall out prozram creeented the mest
diffiorlt operational problem in toe effeuta rogram, <all ect
wmoacurenments were meade in three ceners] areaa; sithin the lagoons,

on cvasllable lard massss and in the open saa. Yersursuenta within
“he lagoon vere made by means of erchored “loating ratte atatious
@culppéd with apcroprinte collector dovioes.
che vuxtremely zvovgu
watur of Bikini lagoon resulted in the icas ci a muaber of sta cic:
even teforu the Tirat shot due to en ungaticfactory anchoring ar-

raigement. ‘The high yield of tha Merat a-ct overturned mary cr the
raiig@, thus dsstroying thetr usefsli:sas fix colleeting Tali cut


Select target paragraph3