osstaln vecovary parties to work for Lirlied . 4
_ ar cAd lon
Togeieorge Ccomploz) in which toe radiatier (t3 ° ss cs a°ch ga
“000 mrfar. This was dows, alchough for ume ..v.dumia os mag
neqeagary (Uedmugs af uriar dusegea) to tn cobra to ro Mua vor

afizelbie «cere for the spervation Cran S,oP



{. The “ars alratrio was reactivated on 29 april, which greatiy Cacilicaced the arrival of

rrolesament seraonne)] ‘with low acoummlated cosace) cron Sulwetok,
in addition, Zan igland was ridgafe by Toicn oluy 3 ror use ag on

assembly, sorting and storage area, This great’, Mmeoiiitared the
volleug of these oro jests not -artiainat’ cg, in “ine,

fe .coject aed wes agein
uuder vensiderable nrecsure to effact reaovery, repair caraged
4uetrusant bucsys, smi inuatall a bucy array for Yankees. ‘lowever,
his preblem was alleviated by the agsignme:t of an edditioral

waking two) leet tug (AT¥Y) to tha projecs.


Aw pcleated in tha urse

ceding paragraph, .>@ planned time interval batween Union and
tames cade expeditious recavery fro Juion acd pranaration fer

sanies waudatory. “he yecovery and solleun activity waa greater
than that for vartisisation in Yertao, [his sartisioatien wie
limited by ezhaueticn of test watertal anc equirmest in peter
sacts, dazage to shcre installationa sycaw (he wave sotion of
anticipatec more severe wave action .ccm Yankees, and by
the fact that gomo projecta had obiainoi adequate useful usta
Srom prior shota, As a rosult, no fustrurantation was sucre+

based exeapt for a few

astationa om the | on-usergs ga plex, ca

the Ubae-Suger cosplex, and one station etch on Sow ard Aan,

vroject 1.4 (underwater pressures moasuremente) inccalled ef ht

inetruusated husys in the lagoun aad “r jeot 265 (eave pes sucte

sone, setiaulished its instrumsmtecto: nti: Tezom,

nthe guotdulsd Yarkse
sinus one Jay, preparation was complete and instronortat.on a-


.iveted 23 meoassary. By 1080, the shi.2, sxezot four the uae
Cotes, ovacuated tho Lagoon, The '36 @stsoe, . ler Cure we the
imdag party, Gloaved the lazoom accate UT".

Select target paragraph3