
the CSS Gurtise which wos cear site sero} it was voscible to uae

the bolleopter ouds at Jan and Tare, and aleo use Van ag o werking

area for storing, sorting and ascembling material and gear, The
projeet wwuler particular pressure in mating the readiness date
was protect 1.4 which, 10 additicn to recovery of inatriumortad
bueys irom Renee, placed nive tustrumentec buoys for Unica,

m the sohsZules Unios

minus one aay al) projects for which it waa recsesary activated
their stationa, All projects were reacy os planned, The ships

ovocnated the Kgoon shortly after noon and took position to the
southwest, At abot 2800 a 2é~-how delay without resntxry to the
agoes was announced because of predioted edverse weather,


tue uext morning a helioopter lift was sade from the carrier to

permit preject 1.6 ta reactivate its olock actuate? atations, 4%
LESS, an indefinite delay was announced, a heliooptar wissicu wes
flows te disars: the device, and the ships reenterad the lager,
Mtil 26 April, the days were successively ebserved as Union minus
two caye with the understanding t:st the shot sieht go on 24 ccurs


At 1B30 on 26 April, word was received rat th: fclicwing

day, 20 April, wae deri gated shot cay to take advantage af ace
expected weather shangs. in sgite f te latensss af wie ancounce~
tent, all COD projects wera raady by i,J0, ALL clipe excesu ths

USS 2ates (which waited for ile arming party to .etura at 2500)
avacuated tco legoun by 1950,


Vuion rae éetomatad at a810

on 26 Sprii, at 1430, a radsate and domzo survey was unde by

relicoster. This sivey revealed that tie Tare airetr's ora
boulders and rucble threw up on it by ws aotios, the Uce-Goorge
teuplex bad Deen camplstely imurdated tv wave action, sud thet the

Gastern ieiants trom Ceorge around to o¢5 ‘ad sutfsred perctal
dnundsticn. In acdition, extreatly high (order of 25 herr)
radiation lovels ware reported far tho Pam .ecris complex, ed
ma.ataiy high leweis cor Zow and Nan. che whips veemteread tho
lagoon und anghored near Zen at 1640, | vitad recsvery ms

carried cut thst afternoon, fhe oneraticce cn cho feltlowi-. cays
were tallired ty affoct recovers Svon Urion oriue te che 2etonatlous of “ankee at the same site terug wtth ao caheoctulee react cas

date of Unies plus 9, to treatrument for vartdcipstica .n Yan-se,
aud to avowl vadiaticnu overdoraze of ser:cunel mysged in these
sparnudsg, To accompligh tho preceding it wae nmcovesary Lor


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