
26 G100, 6 dpril, the sact was costpoued cor <i
tae éilge rewmined at saa,

hourc, hevaver,

Durfis the snoinn, o was tlaugsvere?

that ore of the Raydisy s.aticns was aot * rtaeting properly ont
@ request was made Sor a helicopter Pll. lo teks oa lea, @irt
Seohaiciag so each of toe gtations for a jock, cha teobaisien

wee trersCarred by oigh lines from tha iio lurs les te a destroyer,

thanos by Righ line to tne J8S Retroke, tun -y -septer to ths
tations acd returs to tee U85 Sairoxe e. 1915,


At C629, 7 Ard, the

weatwr was very cloudy and some o-ncers ms oxpressed that the

shet might nos bo fired becauac of a rain squsil retwean Tare and
Han, However, conditions apparently were auitebls and the shot

went on zoheduie.

4 faint glow vas obsarved beneath the low olcuds,

wut thie disedpaced cenidly and nothing ‘urther wes cheerved ficou
the ships, The early helicopter eurvey reported heavy fali out on
Unste, practically none om Chue or ian, and a signiiicant asournt
om Now and Jeargs indicetiag that the cloud had ucved cut of the

lagoon ina northeasterly direction aa prediated.

The low 5 icid

of this shot wes particulerly discouraging because of the extensive
effort whish had gc.:0 inte tae blast lines cn Tara a: Yoni, the
structure ou Usole, and the forest studian wiich were to bea made
on Cagle, Alilian ard Viotar,.

A. Union

Prior to the Eoon ‘staua-

tion, a readiness cate of Kean plus% dasa had been estatiished
foe Oniea, thus wetting the date as Lf Soril.,

“he ahot lscstion

reaping ag criginally seheduled, warinp Unicn the first bu. ze
shot in cpen lagoon vatera, souther!; cf “or «sland.

b. ine laad sased instriontntiee
tion fcr DOS projects pertioipating “cs-site’ ce leegaly oontined
to isiasis cf t'w Degeleerge complex, cxesotisns “S lois were

procesia 2,36 and 2.1 whieh bod etatious conersily diatr(butad
around tos stcll end projsot lta which hal siatiena .- tic “her
Tere complex, Although some rodicacuive 2c. t#:ciwctton remained
iraa peecediag shove ia the 4bleeCharvlie
36°77 Ant thea “in-Teorge
raqicn, no oritie:] radsafe provloguy Tasoiec La peaparios for
the shot.



ge wbtheourn wit vercaauel
Liged aboard ain, with «he gefips fn. gaginity 2 van (easagt

Select target paragraph3