
after considerable lest-miiute sohedviing of cxiftsager and weal
beat wiselons, aii Tagk nit 13 projecus vero -sacy, Romso was
detonated succ)esafully aC O83 on 27 Marc’.

& hedisvcrter cusvey of the

atoll rua made at 0900 and very iittis oontamizetion via found

on any of the fslande to the south and emet of grluce ferro. A
rather alsablu water uve was generated, sovecing the airetcip
oa Tare with rocks «nd boulders, The gowsruutions were cleared
in a few hours and C-47 flighta wers coaruting frog che strio oy


ail ships returned to the lagoon and enciaved off inn at
keeovery and re-instrumentation proceeded without daiay,


Although the cecision *ore

fire Xoou after Romeo wae mide shortly after the Bravo shed, there

wis gems question as to hew mush tine would be required to prerare
Tor the shot once Humes And been fired, For plannizrg purporss,
{t was aseweed that all participants could be ready ty 2 April,
and projeet activiticsa were scheduled ascerdinsly. Facause of the
matu.e of tre Sacea devices and ths time reqiired far its armiag, it
waa pacesesry vor all projects to complete thedie {bai taclion
ckacks prior te 2100 cf ehot day minus one, and evaerata vo treir
aseiened ships, do projecta failed to acmplste thelr vork becauce
of thls reatristicn,


“Some pericus soncern wae

exproeased vy capresentativer of Scripps Institite of Ccovanu,re hy
that the Koon shot might gecerate a “suntri ‘athe cvep acter af
the ocean cutside the lagoon,

Im aacietpetton of such a cave, tro

s¢ripos sulentiets were put aboerd the & 1546 which tock up stetion os: Sifo Talang of Ailinginas -toll, stout 80 mils: east of
Bikinit. fa the oveat that a Tounanl wes geograted, ¢* could ba
readily vbscrved at Ailinginae and a vagaieg varsaze omit a ser:
to the Tasx Feree “or 4isseminatior to sthes «reaa which wight ta


04! antl It s.2 anigunsad

that in@ vsather might be faverablefor firing - 2 Apes ls. fui
progarac(ocs ware completed on solwduls and the 6: ices mowed to
Chair rendeswous area outeide ite isgcoun, south of Fra at 120.




Select target paragraph3