

Le.sues of the heavy cone

teminatien of the atoll, the USS Belrcuc, 055 Estes, U3S Ourtics

end the UGU3 dinsworth returned to kciwetuok during the evening of
shet day so that recovery plans sould be revised and personne)
gould be shifted between the various ships in preparation far
ship~besed operations at Bikint. It wae deciced that ocoupanay
of the island camps at Bikini would net b radiologically ssfe

for the remainder of the operation,


Tho ships returned vo Eirini

the night of & arch and recovery operetions proceeded acca ding
to echeéule.







Sesauce of the slight

Camage to the Kocz {natallation on fare as a result of the Bravo

ahct, and the yaot that the next soheculed abot, Union, algnt
cive a yield us large as Brave and cause acditional dame, it
was decided to fire Ronse next. To raximise tho distance from
sero point to Tare, it was decided to fire Eomeo in ths Eravo
rater izstsad of on tre barge located south of Yurcechi., Reaueo
was selectc4 in preferenos to the other devices since it was fclt
that, of these é€evices which oould be mdo ready inths ahori tine
eS 4% was the lonsS likoly to produce « yield of more than
thue niniwiaing tee ohences of fiurthor danaging the xoon

Toe readiness cate for

Roneo wae set a6 1] March 19%, end the micrity of Task Unit 15
prajests ware ready on that dete, Some instrunsatation hed been
vary has‘ily installed, howgver, and ths lerg deley period whica
foliewed enabled several groups te imrrow their equipsent ene
put in sdditionel stations. OO. 10 barch, it warn ceaided timt the
ehot would buve tc be delayed £4 houre since some cf the disgnortis
tects sould act mect the 1) Marck dete with o reasonable degree of
ecaulidenus. The wosther was nst satisfactcry cn 12 March anc a €8
hours deley wae crdereé. Successive delays were or¢sred uni) 19
Nearch ct O?S>, shen it was anpouncec thet 2C Karen would te chot

cay. Suitatle weather did not develop, ani further dolays were
necessary, During this period it was peoossary to maintain &
oapaetilit, for firing on 18 howre noticr.

©. :t 0780 on EC Marck, it
was encoumced thet *ue weather looked Seraoralle far 27 Maroh ari,



Select target paragraph3