
Taohnioal Divisten,

Duarte. culls credod,

be Jeahnica’.

Tiviston sae Ongaged La Sfrecting the es viciw cf the various

TOG pyoupsa parhicioating in the eiliter, “fects program 37 Opsration CASTLE at the Paoiflo Proving (wounds, ‘nc.uding tis writing
of the preliminary reports theretes pre-pianming of the milicary
elvecke Lrogran for Cgeration TEAPUP, along wiih the ccordinatic
of the cavelopment of a device fer use or the >igh altitede shot;
and the preparation of the fiual reperts on Cpesation ¢ SSHOT-~

CASTLE Ulagtary.

a. Curing the ported ‘rom i January to 16 May
1954, the Teeahnical Division, levs the Reports Zranch end a partion
of the Requiremeats Franch, partisipated in “seration CASILE at the
Paoifio Proving Grounds. Within the task force arginisation, the
Technioal Divisier. sas designated ag Tosk Init 13 of Task Oroup 7.1,
the Sefectifio Task Group. The mission of the Task sult 15 was to
exeroalse touhnical direction of the wericvua projcet groups participacing fa the weapons effects program of Cperetion TABTLE,
we The technical resuits of the veapons offaote
progrem lave been ,ublished in a sertes of prolimtoary teat reports
covering wach individual projeet.® A summery uf the etire progras
with vertinent data as to shots, dates, -lelds, eto,, has also eon
published, oe


Om-Site Phase.


Ceneral ~ Teacquerters Task onde 1%

Dogan its novement overseas early in Janurry 1056 and by £4 Jamuary

@ii personnel of the headquarters vere present in the “ormerd Goon,

Vrogect perenne] arrived at varying tincs Jepending on thot: schae
@aled pertioineticon. Hcwever, oy 2 “sbruory @os; sroject rac at

WTen=dol through YYR-935, Interim Test haporte of crojagts varticicating in vperatiou CASTLS,

ae lidee$@, “usmery of Neapona Efsec ws “aster, Miittecy Effects


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