guides for persounel in their responsibilities uncar siwh cvourity

Directives ag AR 36504, 1 Bullodis 205 ascites and Bxautives oders;
end, to iaploment aueh portions of these “t-setives aa are anpliceble

to PONT,

The following were published:

Becurit~ Memo de, 1986@


Beeurity of


'Alitary Information
Mattes in otoraze

Geourity Idueaticn





secves Prooadures

2] Jan 54

85 Jen

Slaseiited Infervation

of Clasaiited Sociuments

eo van 84
iS dum fa

4. As requested by the Shier, aYSMP, the Preneiaan's
Flat arsa waa ivapeated on 6 Faluncary 195¢ to doternine the classi-~

fication of eviating strustures, 4 reccamendatiun was made “uo tis
Ghief, ARUN?, that <he clasaifloatiun of tow structures te dounS.

During this seriod several conferences were eld

with My, 3 lightewer, Seeurity Officer, Las Vagus Sield Office,

VSARO, and My, J, MoCrew, Seeurtty office, Sante ro “yeravicas

Office, te diseuss the integretion of AX end DOO cacurity opera~

tions during teste at 3PQ.

Tae meetings sulminated with the drart-

iug of a ppopesed ARC~DOD Geourity Agreomerts o aomplletic.: of
seowrity instructions eabodying AM ard DOD aesurity oreveyts far
inslusion im She 8700 Administration Order; an Orgecifativial
Chart ef the integrated organisation; a f..0tional ehart; ad

@llovevion ef exfive space,

Seeurity lectures covering all phates of senurity

and classifiostion were presented to all (.4i7 allitar, and civilicn

versonnel en 3 April 1984,

Each newly ase! gned parscn was givra an

*nifvidwal security telefing of acpreximately one 61) how “uration
ator to assignmert to a division or o ice.
Y. A seeurity inapection was sondueted on 7 April 1954
by bor, WH. Flah, Intelligence and Security Division, Field Comané.
During his eriticque of the inepection with the Director, Mr. “lsh
anpouneed shut the results of tie tnacegticn were satisfastory
jnusofer 38 he could Jetermires,

ee —



Select target paragraph3