
to the Assistant dearatary of Pefemse (Fal), a thi.d shot, al ©

underground, waa edded at the request of the «uy.

16, In late May ond early June, the offloars sect yd
to TU<-13 returacd to the Pirecterate.


Turing June, the Chief, AFSWF, anronneed cpooiris

priority requivsmente ‘or the weapon aspects of tus device to ba

used {n the high altitude test. As first oricraty, the chief, ASHP,
desired an optiriced 22" aystem with a siald of 8 KT to 62 cerried

Ama “ars tv enece wlth @ gross wight of 1500 pounds. Encdin
cerperatios was faamally advised of these recuirsmenia and action
was ‘nitdated, AFSC wae formally advised of these requirements
acd steps wure iaken to de the conmurent air dcp wet fa bal iiatic


Dering the ganth of June, more specifies sunversa~

¢isne ware initiated on TRAPOP upon the return from CASTIR of fr.
A. C. freves and othey bay individuals in the tast program, “‘ucther,
vhe OLrecter wes advised that the Asstscant Secretary of Defanse

(R&D) hed approved the altermats THAPOY progrem ocnsiating o- the

high altitude shet, the ailitary effects cower airot aud tae 1 kK?
wunsiergreunné shot.

19, % 89 June, the Directos conferred with a Callior's
magasine seprecentative, in oompany with Nojor tunter, taf? vablic
Taformation Offfcer, in reference to a proposed article on Fleld

Executive Office.

This offices was sstablished to

maintain eontimaltythe
periods of absence of the

firector oa THY, in addition to the raitine rsarongibilities of
an aduiniotretive type office. Uaring 4:18 regorting verted, tho

Direstay was om TOY approximately one-third of $0 tiws, In the
abvaence of any Deputy Direster, the next genicr offiesr hecme
Acting Ddrester and, since the senicr o.sfoer prezent changed
woveral times, 1% became a distinet ccvartage to have ane a'rrle
office to maintain a contiuuity of uetion on tuoss nettera of primary
interest te the Director.
1. The aativitdes of the Ressimive fica during
thie period renmined cf a routine nature, howerer, thin partod 22


Select target paragraph3