

pailogophy a4 the ecrtimutal proving grousce wes reieed,


Luedeeks requested thet Field Camoeré sube.t a etady to him on tho
question of recrgrnisation.
15. Gn 14 April, in somveary qith Dr. Doll, the
Directer ooafcrred with Bra. Frovan ani acDougell,. In this meting
information was developed that tie Les Alamos Scientific leccratay

was not planning the development of en optinised 22" system and

that in their opinion ths DOD rn
fer a tigh alvitude device could
best be met by a
Dr. Froman stated that the
Laboratory, from a
slepmert atancpcint, wae not interested in the
CH proposed hign altituds eperatian. This emference developed
further the fect that the development progran of Los Alamos right
not eectain ¢.fficiencly euitadlo developmoct shots to permit eaxny
of the measurecents which the DGD corside:ec1 eesential for weapens
effeats information.


The Usrecter, in comneny with the Comundirg

General, unde & trip to Gashingtom or 26 April, urine tiie vielt
the Chict, AFSXP approved Field Cemmasd's proposals un orgunisetion

for octtinemtel teeta (Lotcer, sul foot: “Organization for Contig
roertal Leste” dated 23 April 1964) anc ulso soceptec for further
ctudy Field Commerd's proposale oa the modified public relations

recponsibilivies aud inmereace4 gcuperviaory contre] ore: Deasrt
Fook eperatians.


Om the 26th of April, tne Lirector attendet a

conference at hright-Patterses Air Farce Ecse in whieh Cifferezt
interested agencies in tks proposed Crone prosrnm were present.

AS @ result of tis crome conference, in which 4t apreare’t that
tha Air Feree needs fcr a suiteble burst were rether sirt=pent,
ant Surtner, af @ renult of & growing belief thet ARC would act
pormit @ sizable underground and gurface detoration at PPG, it
bocerwe eleer that tie current preposal for DOD shots is TRAPCT
(high altitude, 10 Kr surface and 10 ET underground) woulé not
sohieve the fullest objectives as expres:ed by the three Eorvices,
Ur. Dcll thsre:cre prepared en alternete protran which wes ¢cis-

cussed with Gerersal Luedsore, Dr. Doll ard the Director on 29 kay,
Caners) Lusdecke approved en alterrate program anv ject to the

apcrroved cl the Secretary of Defense anc the Joint Cnalere of Staff
eonsistang ci a high altitude slot acc a: effect: tower ghet oF a
moacst §f yloid. -«rior to subulesio: o” t Le alternate progres

Select target paragraph3