



On 18 Tabruary, the Actizg

irestoy me actified

thet the ABD had epproved an additional vel. ot tie PG, cmatrusticn
of two 2en's acd one women's dormiterics, and ti.2 erestion or s quote
20% growided Wy AMENP to the ARS to bw mou! "ied es a thoater,
9. "he Dirsoter witnesscd tie Sirst shet “ran nocard
the UES ESTHS, off Bikini, 1 Meroh. OUsen return to Eniveteok, it
Seeare evident that tna unexpected fallout from -he firat shot ind
utused @ corsiderable number of natives residing at atolls saat
of Bikinl to be exposed to simnificart cosazes cr radiatio, %
the suggestion of Dr. Seeville and after ocrferring with Colonel

CG. 8. Maupin, Or. A. C. Graves aud ot'era, (0 “iractor cantastsd
Ma‘or General °. 7, Clarkson, OSA, ard soggaeta? that a tear of
olo-medical experts be requested to exsmins ‘1 deteti the condition
of natives axzpesed te ihis radiation, wcerei Clarkson did .o% with
vo pare thts uurgestion himself but euthorized thy Elractor ta cise
patch a message 20 Chief, AROWP aurgesting sich 2 toam. ‘mediate
rotion waa taken by the Ghief te (ispatch 5 tsam and to eslebii ah
ea an eiditiconal effects project, Project 4.1, Study of Kasponse of

thwan Beings Accidentally Rxpowsed to Signi fscant
“@ll- Jub -adimtions
ee Mearrinet

10. The Mireotor met the Comnmeéing Jeneral, “Leld Com
wand, AISH?, at Jmiwetok during the Sirst weok in Farech and ecoon
panied nim on en insneation af TU-13 activities and vther related
Task eoroa uctivitiea. The Dhrector else accompanied tne Commanding
Canera? on veriout vieits to UJS ESTRS tr arntictoation of the firing
of the second shet. Due te prolonged celay3, the Commandiny General
ané the Uhreotor departed the POG 24 Macch, aboerd Teneral Viarkson’s
alrorait ic aaapany with dr, Lowie ‘treues, Chetrman of the itene
‘nergy soeniseton. The Commanding Gener) and t +e lireator returned
to Sandia Cuse on 29 Marah,
ll. Om 2 April, the ireetor tn ® teloghene sonvercae
ticn vith (a. Doll agroed in orinciple t> e vratisad eontrast oover~
ing ir. Doll's serwices plus additiora. ervices provided by -tansord “Negearch Inatitute fn canneation ~i‘h 1. Coll's serving aa

Ca hutcal OLrestor.

42, Om the Sth of April, t28 Director conderreac with
Venere. 3s Loedeske and &tranathan on over-all reactions ta Ongration

CASTLE. General Luedecke had fuat returned fren a vieit to the PPG.
fa tho seme conversation the question af future ar ganisatio: el




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