
of syumie weapons iovolving unelear detoneti: «sa vilbin the con-

tinestal Limite of the United Etates.

I3Y. ORGANIZATION. The organisation of the -lrestoznte of
Feapens Sifeats “ests Lnolodes four main divisions; Teohnical,
Operatisas, Jupport and the Acvrada Crevirg Jrounds "etachmest, ca
shows om the attached charts. The oresent organisation dicfers
fees the previous crganisstion in that a Cask ‘nit 13 was aetablished on 1 July 1963 as a part of Task Group 7.1, and tha traneh
offices in Rashington, 0, So. was deactivated on 13 August 1958.
‘fwe ainor changes vere made during thia cericd: tha addition of

an Office of Teehnicel Pirecter and an internal c henge within the
Quppert Divieien.

The feshiteal Directar, "r. =. B, Dell of

Stanford Zeuearch Institute, on contract 12 AKSWP, ats in an ad-

visery oad supervisory capasity to tha Director on tecimical matters
pertaining Go con uimental atamie¢ tests. “hangea vrithin the Cuppers

TDMivision dsereased the mumber of branches fro: Mira to two.

attached organisational obarts).


Yaak bores 35, which was reported on in the previoun hise

tevy (duly-Decenber 1953) was deactivetsd on 16 Jue 19%, upen

feturm of peveonael rrom CASTLE cversena tan.

iv, berSQst, foxy personnel ausigned to duty im the Dircstorave duriag the period govered by this repart are listed telow,
cogethey with the date of thelr asaigumert to or detasament fren
the prejeets
Gelenel Yaul T, Preuse, 14C7A, Jha?
Satemal 9. X, Gilbert, 34124, gar

Chief, Technical Division and CTU-13

Colonel Willian 4. Perry, S498a, CBAr
Deputy Chief, Technical Otvision

£1 Jun 1968
19 jeg 1962

1 ini 1986

Colonel Le ¥. Dew, 38864, USAF

14 Far 1952

Capta'tn Heil 8, Kingsley, 78340, USN

lli Mar 1653

chief, Operations Division

oe caty Commandery 7U-18
(fetached 20 Mey 1984)
De. B.A. Doll, Civilian
Technical Direct sr

1? war 1963


Select target paragraph3