reports af the
tice, Meaowhile, preiiaiuey jiconing by
Headquarters, APOE? had etarted fer the .copssed test zeries
ue ta conducted in the Spring of 1985.
GC. Om the Mth of duly 1982, Colemel ©. i. :reves, JSAP,
Japorteé te credquerters, Fielé Command «4 was agesigied 23 Jse~
aial Assietant te the Commanding Jeneral. Colanei Preuss vas
wiveu the wission ef studying the integration of teat Comnnd

astivities aad personal into Headquarters, Field Commcd,


ferences were beld with the Manager, SFOO; Colonel Lertfard, Gireeter of Teat Cperationa fer 3°20, on lonn from Headquarters,

Field Conmmud; Dr. Graves, Los Slamean Soisrtifio Labcratory;

Neadquarters, Meld Command end Headquarters, ASH? personnel.

Om 24 July 1952, Colonel Preuss submitted « report to the “.a-

mending General, Fleld Command, reaowmending thit the fest cone

mand bo de~agtivated and that its activities oe aoguned by & -i~

restorate cf Neapons Sffects Tests, the Clrecter reparting is
the Cymmanding Coreral, Field Gonmand ia the sams foghion cs the
other direaters repert, This report zane approved by che ceunanding General, “iold Command, and hand-earries to ‘ashingtm by

Colenel Preuss,

om 29 duly, this matter wan diaccseed «15h Gcusral

loper and staff and was approved by Jeneral Leper. Fursuant to
this desiaiom ef denereal Loper's, tne Test Command was dis-ertab<
lished <n ) August 1952 and ite responsibilities areumed by Cead=
quarters, Field Camand. In Euadquarters, Fielc Gcmaand Sonera]
Order aummir 0, dated 1 August 1982, thea -iractorats of Tearons
Sffeets Tests was established, Colesel “aul %. -reuss, JAF, wis
anisunsed ag 119 Cirester of Weapoos Cfl.c‘s Teaco lathe tae
rLeld Command General Order,
ii, NISSTOM, The mission of the iirestorate of jeanne
Bifeuts Tasteieto icploment ‘Weld Cewaainad reacenaibllities in
continenic. and overceas atemio testa. “nese res.ometbilitiss
ine ludes

4. Techioal direction of woupors affocts teste oft oriwary cumeern to the drned forces and the weapors 3.%ects phases
of the develozmuntal or other tests of stocle waapens iavolving
gucloar dstonations within the santinental limits und overseas,

Coordiaation of military participation and acaisteange

in suppart af the Atomia Ensrgy Comnisaion in tha oorduct of toasts

Select target paragraph3