een ay .. ras ogeM: wo, we FONES NOS get ra aotfe Dréeshatteant United States Department of the Interior T . tA Abie ~~ 3 on a AF 7 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY eeeie WASHINGTON, D.C. 20240 tty Honorable Sidney R. Yates Jah 0 io79 ACN fh Chairman, Subcommittee on Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Committee on Appropriations ticuse of xkepresentatives Washington, D.C. Dear “ir. 20515 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Yates: During the Jume 19, 1375, Subcuimittee hearing on che Sikini situation, there was siderable discussion on the role performed by Dr. I Robert A. Conard of Brookhaven National Laboratory in the April 1978 annual medical survey of the Bikini Island residents. You will reeall that there was confusion as to just when Dr. Conard last was on Bikini Island and what he mignt have told the residents of Bikini Island when he was there as to the consumption of local coconuts. Be, Conucd, Department, who secved as Head, Marsnali isiands Medical Yeam, tledical Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, has forwardei to us a copy of his trip reporc of this annual medical survey, which took place between March 25 - April 25, 1978. A copy of the repert also has been suomitted for insertion in the June 19, 1978, hearing record, but I thought you might like to review a copy ac this time. You will note, for example, that the Acting Magistrate of tne Bikini Island residents was told of the preliminary analysis of the April findings of the whole body count examinations. Dr. Conard also expressed concecn over the facc thet the residants were eating Bikini Island coconuts, and sugyested that they eat the Eneu Island coconuts rather than the coconuts grown on Bikini Istand. At that time, i.e., Maren 25 - April 25, 1978, tne Department of Energy had not datermined -that the Eneu Island coconuts were suspect. The Department of the [Interior was not infurmed of the new development until mid-May and Dr. Conard, in the field, did not have access to any information to that effect. L hope that Dr. Conard's trip report will clear up the misunderstandings on this matter. - REPOSITORY COLLECTION BOX No | VOE- SOR RESTA Eles harks y "MRS. RUTH G. VAN OLEVE Mes. SDE Zt & Mapshall Dslaras FOLWERNS Wey¥, /P977 Sincerely yours, - Hug SPAS Ruth G. Director Vaan Cleve . Seobosurce ec: /Dr. R. Conard haan 19!23491 i Office of Territorial Affairs ih LY 47 “ES! iie pe webct ae .