i Ponape Unnapsy With Faichuk ivicve
During its July special session in Truk,
the Tecderated States of Micronesia Congress
passed a Sill which would set in motio:: the
formation and admissicn of the State of FaiThe
ciwk aS a separate state of the Fo¥.
Faichuk area of~Truk lagoon comprises eight
island municipalites with a conbined popu-

sation of more than 8,000 people.

The move by the “SH Congress brought a
negative response froma number of high

rau.xing cf£ficials from Ponape attending the

leadership conference there.


on the Paichuk bill pritor to approval by ¢

The FSM is currently comprised of four
utates: Kusrac, Ponape, Truk and Yap. Ex-

plaining the background to the Faichuk sepz
ration movement, Senator Bailey Olter from

Ponape, noted that it began in 1960.

move, according to Olter,


stems from dis-

satisfaction of the Faichik people regardir
wedical treatment and needed capital improv
ment projects in the area.

Jing to one report, while most cf the leadcrs
did not take a firm position, “most of the
sui cinents offered to some extent seem to
favor secession from the infant federation."

The Ponape conference, with key electe
and traditional leaders from all parts of
the state, established a committee to stud:
possible advantages and disadvantages of

The Director of the Ponape Resources and
Development Department, Herman Semes,

Faichuk becoming a separate state.
Legislature Speaker Edwel Santossaid.

races in the T.T.

financial impact of the separation of the

cherged that the fragmentation of the distoriginated in the

cor gress, and the “FSM Congress seems to be

meving in the same direction," adding that
~arther meves by the congress to fragment
tla FSM will jeopordize the unity people
speak or.

Semes also said that because of the
Leportance of this matter, public hearings
throughout the FSH should have been held

“we will review the economic, political anc
Faichuk area from Truk."

Ponape Governor Leo Falcamnoted that

“che decision we make may change our rela-

tionship with the Federated States of Micr.


Adapted from an article in the
National Union (Ponape) 8-15.

Federated States of Micronesia President
Yosiwo Nakayama led a ‘arge group of FSM and
Truk state officials on a six day tour of the
“Nertlock Islands, an outer

island chain in

Truk. A report on thair trip noted that the
sentimen: of many outer islands’ people was
summed up by leaders on Oneop who declared:
“Lead us into self-sufficiency, deliver us

from canned mackeral."

During the fact finding field trip, the
people of Kuttu, the first of the flat low
jving lagoon islands in the Mortlocks, expressed anxiety over the announcement by the
Recean administration that it will terminate
on October 1 the U.S. Department of Agriculture family fecding program.
Municipal Council Chairman Masao Mark
asked the government visitors to urge
.iington to continue the USDA surplus comodities program, because the island was
still unable to feed its population since a
L976 typhoon flooded the island with sea
water about four feet deep.
Typhoon Pamela had damaged all of the

istunds visited, but Kuttu was hit hardest.

An inspection revealed most of the breadfrv

trees were yellowing and barren and the tar

patch which provides the main staple of the
island was filled with stunted plants becat
the soil is still contaminated with salt
Pant dey nd



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