

and Resettlement. As with the rehabilitation of Bikinif Atoll,
responsibiifvy for cleanup and rehabilitation reste with the DOD and

DOI respectively.

AEC is responsible for gaining a euffictent wider-

standing of the radtological environment at Enivetok Atol? to provide
a reliable basis for judgements with respect to the fut
use af the
felands. Typical judgements requiring this informat
would deal with

oonditions affecting safe reinhabitartion

Levels to

eh radiological

contamination should be reduced during cleanup; and
dny constraints
which may be indfested on che use of lan er water Areas.

Organization of the Eniwetok Radiological Survey own widerway, is shown

in Figure 3.
The Washington Interagency Group
charged with coordination
of actions to affect overall Kniwetok Atoll objectives.
Tha Manager, Nevada

Operations Office, has bean directed to plan, organize, and conduct the

AEC radiological field survey to develop sufficient data on the total

radiological enviroment of Eniwetok Atoll, Technical standards and
requirements for the survey end cleanup operations will be prowided by
responsible divisions within ARC Headquartars



The Division of Biomedical add Environmental Research (DBER)
has the responsibility for Feviewing and guiding the
preperation of a report on‘the radiological status of the
stoll. This report will be prepared by the Data Evaluation
Group at Lavrence Livermdre Laboratery.


The Division of Operational Safety (DOS) shares responsibility
for planning the survey and will provide the coordination
of these plans and their extension during the survey with
the Assistant Generg) Manager for Enviromental Safety
(AGMES). DOS will also provide information on the survey
to RPA ecaff at the Washingtow Level upon requast.

DOS will

review and evaluate all data end assessments relevant to
the feasibility ef various cleanup methods and methods for
disposal of hazardous matertals.

Cleanup eriteria, require-

ments, guidelines, and environsestal and health protection
standards to be employed during cleanup operations will then

be developed by DOS in consultation with appropriate AEC staff
sections and other agencies


The AGMMA has the overall) autbority and responsibility within
the ARC for coordinating matters related to the rebabilitation
of the Enivetok Ateli

The radiological eurvey, and the interpretive effort associated with it,
fe a large program superimposed on a number of technically qualified
organizations. Survey activities and malytical efforts by responsible
organizations are reflected in Figures 4 and 5.
eon ee


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Form AEC-318 Rev 9 53


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